Chapter 3: Behind the Curtains

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Jimin's Point of View 

"You know what Tae why don't you accompany Yoongi" my brother said to Tae, and Tae being Tae his eyes where forming hearts and it disgust me to see my bestfriend like that, how I wish I can save every people who suffer like Tae "oh~ yeah Tae go with Yoongi Hyung and buy some snacks for me I am very hungry you know, and come back whenever you want" I said while smirking at him "o-okay haha"  my lovely bestfriend said in an obvious awkward voice I can only laugh at their back whose exciting at the door of the Basketball gym.

"oh Jimin ah before I forgot here is my pre-gift for you my adorable baby brother" Jin hyung said to me, knowing hyung he was teasing me by calling me his adorable baby brother how I wish he wont call me that again "Hyung~ don't call me that!" I said to him whining "yah! Jimin ah you're such a baby and quit it, here is my pre-gift" he told me and here I am holding his pre-gift which is a water bottle? "uh hyung? why water bottle?" I questioned my brother why on earth is he giving me a water bottle as a  gift "Aishh you ungreatful brother of mine, you know you can use this during your practice and you know what the store that I have bought that gift told me that, that water bottle is not just a water bottle but a love bottle and it means I Love you my little bro" he said while hugging me tight, he must be crazy and gullible after all he is just a human like other normal people haystt the store must be good at sales talking my brother and forget it haha I just can't help my smile creeping up in my lips I am so thankful that he is this sweet, ugh how lucky his future partner can be "thank you Jin hyung you are my number 1 brother and I love you too, awe my old brother bought be a love bottle" I told him and we just laugh at what I have said until "yah! how can you call me old huh! I ain't even old you know and I look like a 10 years old kid being lost in a college university and minding you, you only have 1 brother -_-" he said and I must admit that my brother is indeed a crazy guy with a very high level of confidence in himself, being the most handsome in this university I think I'd do the same if I am him 

Jin hyung must be in a rush re keeps glancing at his watch, and so I am right "oh Jiminie I think I will be heading at the student council office because I should fix what that Namjoon is doing with our proposal in the upcoming events in the future, you think you can take care of yourself now? but I will be in the student council office if you need me okay"  he said while looking suspicious on me thinking I might be in trouble again " oh come on Hyung you can do what you want and I can assure you I can take care of myself I will just look for Tae and I will be with him you know you can trust us to not do any stupid things during the events" I said to him while my persuasive puppy eyes "okay okay I trust you because I trust you and call me when you need me okay!" I just nod at my brother while he walk though the door where Yoogi hyung and Tae excited.

now what good things do we do now Jimin, ugh I think I'm going to find Tae first he's such a traitor he just replaced me as his bestfriend and chose Yoongi hyung instead, while I was walking I bump into a random guy who is whoa I think he's a weightlifter, because look at that muscles and-- ahhh that hurts, he must be that strong to make my arm hurt and when I turn to my injured arm I might faint there's blood! lots of blood! "AHH-H! sweet mother board this is hilarious! there is so much blood an-- WHATTT! my water bottle is broken! and It's because of you!" I glared at him with all my might and I stand up without minding the flowing bood on my shoulder ugh now Jin hyng will be mad at me because I didn't take good care of his present ugh this BASTARD!   "yah! don't you dare put the blame on me mister! you are the one who is responsible of this incident! and don't shout at me and please it's just a water bottle your stupid water bottle!" WHATTTTT!?!?! on earth he just called Jin hyung's present a stupid water bottle ugh whatever this guy thinks and  I'm seeing red now so I punch him at his lips real hard I must be proud of myself it bleeds so we are both in pain now ugh this asshole!

 "ahhHHHHH!?!?! YAH! YOU SHOURTY! WHY DID YOU PUNCHED ME HUH! WHYYY!?!?" he said with his venomous voice  "don't shout at me boy and you did that to yourself don't blame it on me blame yourself!" I said calmly as I walk beside him with a smirk at my face "and one more thing you bastard! that stupid water bottle you called is my brother's gift to me you asshole!" I said while our back faces

that immoral bastard he is the worst person I met in my whole life! now I need to go to the clinic to cure my cut. 

while walking at the clinic other people were looking at me with shock on their face and some where approaching me "Jimin oppa~ your arm is bleeding who made you that" a girl told me, and me being my don't talk to me side  I didn't give them time so I just walk straight not mending everyone all I can think about now is I wish this wont be reported to Jin hyung at this moment haystt that muscle pig have no manners at all 

I am in front of the door of our school's clinic and a nurse is heading to me now "oh Jimin ssi what happen to your arm come and we'll clean it" the nurse said to me as I follow her 

"thank you for helping me clean my wounds, I wish they will not leave a mark" I said with a smile and left at the clinic while I was heading to cafeteria I was shocked because Jin hyung were marching to my direction with his angry face haystt I think I am in a big trouble again after all.

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