Chapter 10: Not Bad

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Jungkook's Point of View

I was lifting weights when Hoseok hyung scooted to me "what do you want hyung?" I said boredly  I know he want's something again "are you both a couple now?" hyung said and left me confuse "who?" I said to him and he just glared at me as If I am playing games "Jimin ssi, you look good together you know what I heard about him?  I heard that he isn't a hyper type of  person I heard that he's a serious kind of person, so are you both together?" he said looking at me teasingly ughh I hate this hyung "what are you saying hyung we're not a couple he's the one I told you last time, he's the childhood friend of mine, and yes he's kinda scary specially the last time we met but he's not that scary a while ago  but he's more like a goofy and weird person to me"

time comes fast these days as we change our cloths because they were soaked with sweat "yah Jungkookie I will go first my girlfriend is waiting for me outside you know we have a date tonight" hyung said as I teased him while wiggling my brows "okay lover boy hyungie~ " and he just glared at me while smiling 

I was boredly walking into the swimming team's training area because shorty hyung told me we will meet there "I heard coach dared the two star players to compete again! I bet Jimin hyung will win" I heard from the guy that walked at the exit of the training area, wow star player?  because of my growing curiosity I entered the training area and I was  about to walk again when I saw Jimin and Taehyung standing each other while smirking with their competitive aura, I think the competition that the guy a while ago told his friend is happening today so I just sat at the edge of the area so they wont notice my presence. My eyes are fixed in Jimin's face I must admit he looks really hot because of the water drifting though his face down to his collarbone down to his ab--- whoo what em I thinking? so I turn my head at the other direction to distract my thoughts. ouch! my lips hurt! why does my lips hurt by the way 

 and then I looked at Jimin's direction again while biting my lips "ouch!" I whispered to myself ughh why em I even staring at Jimin while biting my lips!

a shout grabbed my attention so I looked at their direction again 

"on your mark!" I think that's suppose to be their coach "get set! GO!" as soon as their coach said go, Tae and Jimin dived into the pool with so much eagerness. I really don't know who will win because both of them are good and they were really a fast swimmer, but Jimin is faster because he won against Taehyung. So I decided to go to their direction as I heard Jimin hyung's voice saying  "it's okay loser you can do better next time" to Tae Hyung and I just chuckled at his childishness  while the other just  glared at him while smiling

"good job both of you and congratulations Jimin you really is very competitive" their coach said while laughing together with Taehyung hyung, I was smiling and then their Coach spoke to me "do you need something weightlifter?" as soon as I heard about that Jimin hyung  looked at me and I replied him with my most awkward smile, and he looked at me with a smile too, I didn't expect his smile to be this blinding he smiled with his eyes formed into crescent shape, and because of that my breath hitched, my heart beats fast like I just run a marathon

I was waiting for Jimin hyung as he changed his wet cloths to dry ones, a while ago is so awkward but thanks to his bestfriend Taehyung hyung, he told Jimin hyung to change so that we can leave the place and after that they left leaving me and Jimin hyung alone.

"yah Chubs!" I just sighed at his action, why does he calls me chubs? I ain't even that Chubby other's called me sexy not Chubby "sorry for keeping you waiting for me" he said smiling "it's okay hyung, so were do we hangout?" I told him while we walk through the door "let's hangout in my house let's do what I have planned before" he told me while looking at me hopefully and I don't wanna break his hopeful eyes again like what have happened  at the cafeteria a while ago so I just nod at him "oh hyung I should text Namjoon hyung to tell him I am hanging out with you today" I told him while I texted Namjoon hyung and he said okay so we were walking at the parking lot when I saw my hyung and Jin hyung bickering! again? haystt these old human really! why not just end their tension instead of fighting each other for the rest of their lives   "I told you didn't I to not park your car beside my car!" so that is what they are fighting for "Jin hyung I didn't know that I parked my car beside your car I was in a rush I didn't know that that was your car" my poor hyung said "I don't care whats your reason for it bu-" Jin hyung was interrupted by his younger brother who is now glaring at the two oldies "AISHHH HYUNG! STOP THAT DRAMA ALREADY DIDN'T NAMJOON HYUNG TOLD YOU HE DIDN'T DO IT IN PURPOSE JUST LET IT SLIDE ALREADY" because of what Jimin hyung told Jin hyung just glared at Namjoon hyung and entered at his car "haystt thanks Jimin ah for shouting and for saving me  to, ohh Jungkookie just text me okay I will just fetch you later at their house" Jimin hyung just nod at my brother and then walked towards Jin hyung's car "I'll text you later hyung" I told Namjoon hyung and I also walked towards Jimin hyung "good afternoon Jin hyung" I said while smiling at him "ohh Jungkookie sorry for that and good morning too, are you hanging out with Jiminie today?" he said I just smiled at him shyly because he said I was hanging out with Jimin hyung and we were interrupted by Jimin hyung's voice "he is my bunny hyung" he said to Jin hyung while glaring at him deadly while Jin hyung just laugh at his brother as for me I was blushing at what Jimin hyung's remarks, what is he saying he must be crazy for saying that, when I turned to him he was glaring at me while he opened that back door so I could enter, I sat fast because he is so scary you know and after seeing me he opened the door of the  shotgun  and then sat beside Jin hyung's side 

it was a little bit awkward ride because of what that glaring monster hyung said a while ago, he is sitting quietly at the shotgun still glaring at the road how are we suppose to hangout when he is mad ughh this hyungie is frustrating "yah Jimin ah stop glaring at the road huh~ I am not the one who is going to hangout with Jungkook he was hanging out with you remember? you can do your plans now that Jungkook is hanging out at our house" Jin hyung told Jimin hyung and the way he said it,  is a little weird you know so I just sighed, Jimin hyung also sighed "I am sorry about that Chubs and to you too hyung but I am not going to say sorry about the incident happened between you and Namjoon hyung a while ago, you know hyung why not try being friends with Namjoon hyung, you know he is a cool guy" what? my hyung is cool? whaa Jimin ssi you are being nice to him he often destroy things at our house how can he even be a cool guy, I said in my mind and Jin hyung sighed at what his brother told him "okay I will try to be friendly to him,  I am kinda tired in fighting with him also you know" after Jin hyung told us that, Jimin and I laugh at him for being so childish 

we are inside Jimin hyung's room and I admire his clean and organized room, I was busy admiring his room when he called me "yah Jungkook ah come here let's watch some movies, what do you want to watch?" he ask me while searching for a movie  "anything is okay with me hyung" I simply said while he just smiled and played Zootopia 

during the movie I was just watching him cooing at the characters, yeah its true that the characters were really cute and he's very cute too I was so immersed in examining his face when he turned his head grinning at me while wiggling his brows. And that's when I thought I was doomed. He catches me staring at him!?!

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