Chapter 17: Never Not

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Jungkook's Point of View 

there are many mind blowing events happened after our six years of friendship and love, one of them is the surprise announcement or should I say unexpected announcement happened between Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung, actually we really expecting that they will end up together but we didn't expect that they will be together that fast, knowing Jin hyung he may be very sweet and loving hyung to us but he is a strict person and he values his education more than being in a relationship, well maybe people really change when they met their other half, like me I found my other half to Jiminie hyung, and that will never change for the rest of our lives, and to make it happen I will propose to him after our match. 

I have my competition here in Japan for the weightlifting tournament, after we graduated Me,  and my beloved Jiminie hyung , together with Yoongi hyung and Taehyung were in the national team. It is so stressful and a lots of pressure were on us because we are now representing our country unlike when we were still in college we only represent our school, but over all it was worth it. I have earned money for our future because of my sport and I am quite famous because I was the champion of the last year's world Olympic game that was held in China.

I was busy fixing my things when my most favorite person back hugs me, it was a very warm hug that mostly relaxed me every time I am stressed "Good luck Chubs I know you will win this tournament again" Jimin hyung told me as he kissed my cheeks "Thank you hyung, and I am glad your competition went well, congratulations for winning again" I said as I faced him while laughing, he had his competition the other day as he represent our country and as expected Taehyung hyung went second to him "I am very glad that our match was not scheduled at the same time, because if that happens I wont be able to cheer you up" He said as he roam his hands in my face while deeply looking at my eyes " yeah I know I will be very nervous if your not here beside me hyung" I told him as I hug him inhaling his calming scent.

my name was called as a sign that I will be next, I was walking towards the stage as the crowd screamed my name, I am looking serious because I am nervous not because of the match but because of what I will be doing after the match, I roam my eyes through the crowd as I lock my eyes in Jimin hyung's eyes who is beside my coach I smiled at him as he mouthed "I love you" 

the time has come as I prepare myself to lift the barbel as the timer starts I also started to lift the weights, my eyes were only focused on Jimin hyung who is also looking at me with his lovely eyes with a smile plastered in his face, even though the weight is heavy I still tried to compose myself to not show that I was struggling because I will look ugly and I don't want that because Jimin hyung were looking at me, it's crazy but I guess it's just normal for us weightlifters to worry about our appearance when our lover is watching us lift weights, and the timer stopped as I throw the weight in the floor, indicates that I won, people are shouting in happiness as Jimin hyung run towards me as he hugs me "Congratulations my love" he said as he kissed me so I kissed him back not minding the people around us who is now cheering for us. "I love you Jimin hyung" I said to him while panting "I love you too Jungkook ah" he replied as he hugs me tight 

after the match we held at the hotel were our friend were there waiting for us, they didn't came to the match because they were busy preparing for our plan, I talked to them to help me fix everything so that everything will be perfect once we were back from the match.

"wow Jungkook ssi you won the tournament again how's that?" Yoongi hyung told me as he gave me a bro hug "It's okay hyung as usual I felt very nervous, but this year's tournament is mind blowing I was more nervous than the past tournaments" I said to him while laughing " I know Jungkook I know" hyung replied as he hug Tae who is now sitting in his lap "Congrats Jungkookie" Taehyung hyung said with a smile "thanks hyung " I said "Yah Jungkook ah! Congrats bro!" Namjoon hyung said as he enters the hotel room were we are staying "Congrats Brother-in-law" Jin hyung told me as he smirk "Thanks hyung and Brother-in-law" I said teasingly "stop that teasing already, let's go to the dinning area so we can now eat and then we can rest, specially you my Champion you need to rest" Jimin hyung said as he hugs me backwards while giving me kisses on my neck, that I giggled because it tickles "ohh right let's eat now I am kidda hungry now you know" Taehyung hyung said as we laugh "wait! were is that Hoseokie again?" Jin hyung said, as if on cue for Hoseok hyung who is now running towards us "I am here hyung I am sorry I was late the traffic were like hell" he said to Jin hyung while panting, seems like he run towards our room 

"Congratulations Jungkookie!" Hoseok hyung shouted as he lighted the candles of the cake "Thank you hyung and thank you everyone this celebration won't be super special without your presence" I said as I blow the candles, and then we continue to eat. An hour ago when the others bid their good byes and secretly wished me good luck, a minute ago Jimin hyung said he will take a shower, we will be sharing the room while others will have their own rooms, and this will be my chance to prepare everything as Jimin hyung is busy showering, I spread the rose petals in front of the bathroom door as I make it a path going to the door of the main room then I put some petals all over the bed and then placed some scented candles around the room and lighted it as I turn the light of the room dim for a romantic ambiance, when I finished preparing for everything I left the room and waited patiently behind the door waiting for Jimin hyung to open it, I was getting nervous as I opened the Blue velvet box with the beautiful ring inside it "Good luck to me" I said comforting myself, and my nervousness  came back as I see Jimin hyung standing infront of me with his teary eyes, and he only wears his robe, I relaxed a little bit as he smiled at me "before you speak, hyung here me out first" I told him as he nod while wiping his tears "Hyung first of all you're such a cry baby, but I love you. I Jeon Jungkook wants to marry Park Jimin not because you are very beautiful, smart, cutie, lovely, sexy. But because you are you, you are my favorite person in the world, you cheer me up when I am down you were there in my every happy memories, worst and my special memories. Thank you for being there for me and for there loving me sincerely. I want to see you every time I woke up and I want you to be the last person I see before I sleep, and I want you to be the father of our children...

...Jimin hyung will you grant my wish and be with me for the rest of our lives?" I told him nervously "I will grant OUR wish and I am very willing to be with you Jungkookie for the rest of our lives" he said and then I hugged him and kissed him passionately "before I forgot" I took the ring from the box and then put the ring in Jimin hyung's ring finger "it fits perfectly, Jeon Jimin" I said as I teased him and he just laugh at my silliness.

Comments were very much appreciated, Than you.

1:23 pm

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