Chapter 6: Childhood friends?

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Jimin's Point of View

"Coach! I thought I am your favorite swimmer among the people who are here!" I complained at our coach, because he won't let me do overtime, and yes I don't wanna help Jin hyung at that boring student council office all the corner of that room screams boring 

"you know Jimin ah I cannot approve on what you want to do because that will be harmful for your health because if you expose yourself in too much training you will get sick, you brat you didn't even think of that" he said scolding me for my request, ugh I should have known him better, but me being my handsome self I just keep on pestering him "coach you know that I rarely tell you my request and this will be my first request please coach just this time" I said while smiling at him "okay okay, but I will tell this first to your hyung so that he knows that you are the one who requested for this because if anything happen to you I swear Jimin ssi it will be your fault" WHATTT!?!?! oh my goshhh! Jin hyung will know about this and he will scold me again whaaa seriously this old man doesn't really have his sympathy for me "haha just forget about it coach I am fine haha" I said awkwardly and that made him give me a glare, and I am glad that he gave me glare instead of Jin hyung will know about my plan that will be worst.

"okay brat now go change,  Taehyung and you will be training for today" coach said and I just nod and start to find my bestfriend, speaking of that alien he is now walking towards me with a smile on his face and that's weird it's not because he is smiling early in the morning but his eyes! they were shining whaaa what probably happened about him the last time when Yoongi hyung and him went out to buy food and didn't come back

"yah Taehyung ah what are you smiling at you traitor!" I told him while glaring at him "ohhhh buddy something good happened yesterday !" he said while smiling like an idiot "just tell me already!" I said impatiently because he just smiled at me wiggling his brows "JIMIN AH! YOONGI HYUNG AND ME ARE TOGETHER CAN YOU BELIEVE IT WERE TOGETHER!" he said while screaming like a mad man  and what did he just said?? they are together! "yah! Taehyung ah don't just joke around, some people might tell you you're crazy and tell it to Yoongi hyung and Hyung might hate you for saying false things huh! you should know that!" he must be crazy and yeah I expected him to be crazy but not like this he is insane "yah Jimin ah I told you it is true and you know what Yoongi hyung told me when we were walking the other day he likes me long time ago, and he wants to court me but I refuse because I told him I like him too and we can just skip the courting part and be together instead can you believe it huh!" he said, oohhh~ I didn't see that coming and I am shocked because Yoongi hyung confessed first I thought Taehyung will be the one confessing his feelings for the older, and because I love to see him mad I decided to tease him "ohh~ Taehyung you know you might be lying to me so I want proof you know" I told him with my innocent look that cause him to glare at me while he brought his phone out and dialed Yoongi hyung's number "hey hyung what are you doing today?" he said with his very sweet voice uhhh! it disgust me "ohh you are in your practice, BABE~" he said looking at me with his smug face ughh I hate him "Jimin wanna talk to you he said that he needed proof to believe me that we are together can you believe him! he is such a cruel person that's why he doesn't have a boo right babe~" I heard Yoongi Hyung chuckle on the other line, while Taehyung gave me his phone so I can talk to Hyung "ohh hey hyung I just wanna check because I don't want Tae to spread fake news that will ruin your reputation" I said while laughing at my bestfriend who is giving me death glare "hahaha It's okay and yes it's true and I am the one who asked him yesterday" he said while laughing shyly so I ended the call and gave the phone to my bestfriend Tae "so now you believed me huh you shorty!" he said while grinning at me "whatever alien let's just compete today so I can destroy your smug face" I said glaring at him. He sure knows how to piss me off 

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