Chapter 13: What Are We Now?

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Jimin's Point of View

"so are you guys dating now?" Taehyung asked Jungkook  and me while he shove foods to Yoongi hyung's mouth "Umm I guess were dating you know if Jimin hyung wants it too" Jungkook said while looking at me nervously, "I think I like that idea too you know after the scene we have made in front of the crowds here at the cafeteria, so yeah were dating" I told them and smiled at Chubs who are now smiling at me, things were so fast but I guess we were destined to be together "I thought so, Jimin was really angry the moment he saw you and that girl a while ago you know so don't ever cheat on him Jungkookie" Taehyung told Chubs with his teasing voice, "ohh I almost forgot, this is Yoongi Hyung my boyfriend, hyung this is Hoseokie hyung and Jungkook ssi, they are the weightlifters Jimin mostly talk about" Tae told Yoongi hyung, while the others greeted Yoongi Hyung "nice meeting you Yoongi hyung" Jungkook told Yoongi hyung "yeah nice meeting you  Hyung" Hoseok hyung told Yoongi hyung with his energetic voice "nice meeting you both and I guess I should excuse myself for now because coach texted me just now that we have a emergency practice, you know the basketball tournament were coming the other week, we need to prepare our opponents were really a dirty players" Yoongi hyung said while chuckling "oh yeah we should go now too, we need to go back at the pool before coach will punish us" Taehyung told the others and yes we should go now too because we also have our up coming competition to prepare for, like Yoongi hyung but our's were like three week from now "we should join you too because we will also need to go back at the gym" Chubs told us and then smiled at me "ohhh~ Jungkook ah~ you seems very happy today huh~" Hoseok hyung teased Jungkookie "of course hyung I am I have my cutie, lovely, sexy angel beside me" Jungkook  told him while looking at me wiggling his brows "urgh! this sweetness is killing me!" Tae said with his fake irritated voice, this is hilarious, we were laughing at what just Tae said as we walk though our own training places

we were walking at the main door of the indoor pool at our school when a voice interrupted us " Jimin ah when are you going to tell me about you and Jungkook?" ohhh it's Jin hyung, I looked at him with my nervous eyes "uhh I was about to tell you when I see you hyung but I guess that's not needed anymore since you know about it now, and yeah were together for about an hour ago when we were at the cafeteria, sorry for not telling you hyung" I said with my sorry voice "it's okay Jimin ah I thought you were together last night because you were so sweet to   each other when we were at the dinning area" Jin hyung told me with his sweet voice "ohh hyung what are doing here by the way, did you come here to say that or there is something else?" Tae Tae said suspiciously to my hyung, "oh! Namjoon hyung! what are you doing here? are you with my Jin hyung?" I told Namjoon hyung shocked because he exited at the office of our coach "uhh yeah I just helped Jin hyung to give something to your coach, and ohh is it true that you and my brother are together?" he said while walking towards us and stand beside Jin hyung, and that's strange because Jin hyung doesn't like to get closer to Namjoon hyung and the facts that he was so relax beside him is shocking "uhh yeah were together hyung, and something is strange about you too is there something that you wanna say Jin hyung?" I told my brother while eyeing him suspiciously "oh well you see you shouted at us the other day, Joonie here called me last night saying that he's sorry about something that made me hate him, and because I am handsome I said sorry too so basically I guess were friends now" Jin hyung told us and gave a smile to Namjoon hyung "ohh~ so your friends now Jin hyung~ what a sweet friend you are to Namjoon hyung for calling him Joonie~" Tae teased my brother "aishh whatever you brat!" Jin hyung said to Tae  with his embarrassed red hot face   that earned our laughter "stop teasing him Tae or else he will explode" Namjoon hyung said while laughing, I guess their friends now after all, because they started to tease each other "were going to start walking toward the student council office now we have to finish our work fast or else we will be stuck at that office for a day" Jin hyung told us as we bid our good byes to them 

"do you think your brother is suspicious about his actions Jimin ah?" Tae told me while changing his clothes to our swimming clothes "maybe? I don't know he seems pretty normal today you know" I told him as I locked my locker "WHAT'S NORMAL ABOUT HIM TODAY JIMIN AH!  Jin hyung doesn't blush shyly while talking to Namjoon Hyung he usually blush with anger not blush with shyness! he never really acted like a modest person around other people but he acted like a virgin cute little girl around Namjoon hyung and he called Namjoon hyung JOONIE! what is that mean!" Tae said with his "I need answer!" face, Tae is right he never really acted that way around us or around our parents and also around Dad's business partners, he was always in his "don't talk to me" expression if we were at the parties with Dad's business partners, I am curious too you know "ohh yeah! he's not normal a while ago Tae I didn't really focused of his expression by the way, thanks for sharing some of your observations Tae" I told him while chucking at him as we exited the locker room to prepare ourselves for our tiring practice, and I smiled at the thought that Jungkookie and I were really together, Haysttt that Chubs really drives me crazy

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