Chapter 1: The Fight, The Fear, The Saviour.

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Fire raged around him as building crumbled to the ground, dust and smoke filled the night air making it hard to breath as screams of pain and fear echoed in his ears, in front of him a building explodes into debris hitting the people in front of him in there rush to get away.

Skidding to a stop on the cracked road he looks around the dust and rubble trying to find a way around, the ground shook and rumbled beneath his feet, as shrieks from the beast and groans from the buildings around him flood his mind.

Turning around his breath hitches as he watches the large dark green dragon's teeth dig into the black one with red highlights neck, dark red spills from between its teeth as the black one snaps its jaws and claws dig into its shoulders.

Within seconds the green one is being thrown off of the black one, smashing into a apartment building dust erupts blocking his sight of the dragon, looking back the black ones got its wings stretched out letting him see the large black scald skin fade to red filled of rips and holes.

Its orange eyes were illuminated by the fire the spilled-out form between its pearl white teeth stained with blood opening its mouth wide dark red flames burst forth heading towards him, in a panic he fell back and lifted his arms in front of his face as he closed his eyes waiting for the pain to hit.

Opening his eyes, instead of fire he was surrounded by dust and rubble as the green dragon stood above him blocking the flames, he stared in awe as it brought it's head down to look him in his oxen eyes with its own scared but soft green eye's.

That was when Shouta Aizawa realised that this was no monster, it was not evil, it was his hero, for no monster would have eyes like that, so full of fear and worry, tears grow in the large green eyes and he blinks.

And then it was running at the black one launching itself into the air its wings helping it as it dived at the black one swiping its arm down across the black ones face, in a booming roar of pain the black one thrashed its head around as blood dripped down its muzzle and its once orange eye turned white in front of him, as the green one disappeared in the dust and smoke.

Not long after the hero's finally found and evacuated anyone left as others worked on restraining the black dragon, on his way out he found a single pure green scale and hid it in his pocket running his fingers over the smooth surface, that night over 472 people died 13 of them were pro hero's, 143 people were hospitalised and the green dragon was never found, that was the first time he ever seen a monster and was the only time a dragon was seen.

After test after test on one of the scales left behind it was announced that it was no quirk but an actual dragon.

3 months later July 15th a green haired lady gives birth to a little boy, and monsters all around the world cheer, as the humans set up a new course in U.A., the hunters course.

"Izuku, hurry up your going to be late to school!" Inko yelled out to her son smiling at the sound of him rushing around his room before bursting out of his room and ran over to her grabbing his lunch putting it into his bag "thanks, mum love you." He rushed out so fast she almost couldn't understand him as he ran over to put his red shoes on.

"love you to Izuku." She said as she walked over with his keys, with a smile he grabbed the keys out of her hand as he looked at the sprinkle of red burns that cover the right side of her face like freckles, before he engulfed her in a hug and rushed out the house and to school only stopping to watch a hero and villain fight on his way.

Getting to class only minutes before the bell, sitting down in the back of class he got his books and pen out ready as he scrolled the internet about latest hero and hunter fights, when he smelt the sweet smell of burning caramel enter the school grounds.

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