Chapter 2: friends return and shopping surprises

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It had been 2 months after his scolding for braking not one but two of the most important rules his mother had drilled into his head from birth, "Izuku Midoriya! What are the three main rules I set." She had growled out staring him down.
"never reveal what I am to anyone, he started as his shame slowly grew never use powers that have not been registered and never let my guard down for at any point and time a monster or hunter could sneak up on me." Looking down him mother placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Izuku I'm not mad, I'm just worried, you broke two of those rules and in front of all might, what would you have done if someone else found you." Looking up he could feel the tears cloud his vision as he stared into his mothers own green eyes.

"I-I don't know what I would have done, I wasn't thinking straight! I'm so sorry." He cried hugging his mother again, and now hear he stood in the middle of the local forest by the park where he usually walked on the weekend.

But unlike usual there was a sweet smell in the air, blinking a smile grew on his face, "so he's back." He chirped before using his monster strength to jump into a tree and start heading towards the cave on the mountain nearby.

Jumping tree to tree silently not even disturbing a single leaf he found himself in a tree near the entrance in no time, the smell of blood was drifting out of the cave, jumping down from the tree he walks up to the cave stopping five meters away.

"welcome back Hitoshi!" he called out listening as it echoed back to him, "do you have to be so loud." A tired voice groaned back as the sound of feet on the cave floor grew closer, "its been a full year since you were here, Im allowed to be loud."

"well I say be quiet." The voice now clearer as a purple haired boy walks out of the cave, "what are you doing back in town and why haven't you come to see me yet." The green haired boy complained as he walked over to the taller purple boy.

"I only got here last night, and I was too busy killing the chimera that was following my scent here not even an hour ago." The purple boy groaned rubbing between his eyes, makes sense that you stayed here when you had a chimera following you, but still that's an hour you could have come and seen me.

"besides do you really think I would waste my time tracking you down when you could be anywhere?"


Groaning again the purple haired boy turns and walks back into the cave only to return with a large bag a couple of minutes later, "my smell should have died down by now so I should be able to move back into the apartment." He said as he walked past Midoriya.

"yep! The sweet smell of yours is weak now, so nothing should be following us." He beamed as Hitoshi slowed down so he could catch up, "good."

"its so weird that because you are an insomniac and don't get the three days of sleep that a panther usually needs to emit the sweet smell that once a month you give of a smell that draws in cat monsters or just every day cats on a normal day instead of drawing in every monster but dragons.

"ok first up, I much prefer cat monsters once a month over every monster every three days, and I like having cats come up to me randomly on the street so don't judge me."

"I'm not judging, it's just weard, I'm just glad your back."

Stepping onto the street and out of the forest the boys start to make their way to the apartment complex just one block away from the forest and 4 from Midoriya's place, "so how long are you staying?" the shorter of the two asked.

"I'm planning to go to high school over here so three or so years, might even stay down this way after." Rubbing the back of his neck he turns a bit to watch the smaller thinking, not if we get to the rip first. Green eyes locked with purple, "you can feel it to, cant you? The rip is getting stronger."

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