Chapter 3: Aizawa's tired life, a royal guardian in born.

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Aizawa Shota never really wanted to be a hero let alone a hunter but he also didn't like having to depend on someone else to come save him, like when the dragons fought, so when he won the U.A. sports festival he joined class 1-A were he met an loud blond who forced his way into his life along side a dark blue haired girl who somehow started the day with a shirt but by the end of the day only had a sports bra on, he was seriously regretting winning.

Then after he got his provisional hero licence in his second year a U.A. he was selected to join special hunting classes alongside Ketsubutsu Academy High school student, Fukukado Emi or as she called herself Miss joke.

From that day on Fukukado and himself had worked under pro hunter, Backtrack, his quirk pulled him backwards when used so he could dodge attacks, so for the rest of his time at U.A. plus 3 and a half years after he trained to be a pro hunter.

For six years he worked as the pro hero/hunter eraser head in peace but then his peace was destroyed by none other then his old friend kayama other wise known as pro hero midnight or the girl who ended up with no shirt at the end of the day.

For some reason just because her and Yamada Hizashi aka present Mic or the loud blond were becoming teachers at U.A. he apparently had to join them so that's how he ended up having to get a teacher license and becoming class-A home room teacher at age 26.

Yet no mater how much his life has changed or how much he complained it seemed like this was always going to happen, he was destined to be a pro hero/hunter, but then again if that dragon all those years ago didn't save him he would never have his annoying friends, his very, very small class or his job's.

Would that dragon of saved him if it knew he would become a pro hunter? Probably not, but there was something different about the green dragon and the black one, sighing he crawled out of his bright yellow sleeping bag Hizashi got him.

As he walked out of U.A. he reached down and felt the bracelet on his left wrist it was a silver chain which held the dark green scale he found that day, the black dragon was captured the same night half blind with deep claw marks and it's neck had chunks ripped out the green dragon was never found.

After that monsters started to pop up all around the world and a new job started monster hunting, all monsters were given ranks that shows how difficult it is to subdue and how dangerous they are, dragon are number one on the list.

Yet no one has seen a dragon since that day, lower ranked and monsters deemed safe were given the ability to live a normal life like a human but are discriminated, just thinking about how the would has changed from before the attack when he was 13 and now that he's 30 makes him tired.

So he decided to get himself a "coffee" before he started his patrol, it was dark outside as he sat with his warm drink when a couple of boys walked in which would be normal if it was still light out but he guessed they were just being rebel's like most teens.

So, he decided to give them a warning but when he looked into the purple eyes of one of the boys he could swear it glowed gold sending chills down his spine, the green haired one turned up not long after with their food and they promptly left.

It was a quiet night that afternoon not a monster in sight, there was signs that monsters where once in the alleys yet had left in a rush, 'like they were all hiding from something', he only had to deal with a couple of thugs that night 'it's fine the monsters will be back.'

A week later and he sees the boys again on one of his patrols, he thinks nothing of it the monsters are still missing so they should be fine, so he leaves them alone and continues his patrol like normal.

Its been a week since Hitoshi moved back into the neighbourhood and he had just finished having dinner with the Midoriya's, and Izuku had just went to get a jacket from his room when Inko turned to him.

"now that Izuku isn't here let's talk." She had started as she folded her hands on the table "as you know your family has acted as guards for ours for thousands of years and with Izuku trying for U.A. your uncle can't follow him onto the school grounds thanks to their security

"So, I want to ask you to guard him, I know it's a lot to ask but you're the only one who can follow him and guide him along his path so please watch him where I can't." she places her forehead on her hands in a bow.

"Inko, don't bow, a royal should not bow to me, if anything I should be to thank you for giving me this opportunity and trusting me with looking after your son."

"nonsense." Inko sits up so she can look him in the eye, "I hardly count as royal anymore, I haven't acted as queen for years now, you on the other hand have looked after Izuku ever since you's met I didn't even ask you to so I want to make you an official guard, so will you protect him for me."

Taking in a deep breath then slowly exhaling he nods "yeah, sure I can do that."

Inko nods with a smile and gets up and walks in front of Hitoshi grabbing both of his hands, and then a red string grows from his wrist and wraps his hands "with this string I will tie your loyalty and strength and bring about a new power to protect and save those you deem worthy." The string grows tighter and tighter until it cuts into his skin

He hisses at the pain but Inko continues "you will bleed and feel pain, but you are a guard, and you have the power to protect from such pain." The string snaps and moves under his skin around his wrist and then up his right arm stopping on the bicep forming a black circle with a paw print in the middle.

"protect him." Inko smiles and takes her hands off his and heading to the sink grabbing a cloth to wipe up the blood "its done? I'm a guard now?" he askes as he watches his hands heal from were the string cut him.

"yep you are a guard now, the mark on you arm proves it." Hitoshi smiles as he runs his fingers along the mark "hurry Izuku can only trip over his on feet for so long, go get your jacket before he comes out." Inko ushers him to the door.

It wasn't long before Izuku came out with a bright red, blue and yellow all might jacket "sorry I took so long I had trouble finding my jacket." He smiled "its fine, let's go." Hitoshi shrugs and opens the door Izuku scrambling after him shoes half on.

"Toshi, wait I'm not as fast as you." He calls as he jogs to catch up "not my fault your short."

"hay! I'm not that short."

"yes, yes you are shorty."


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