Chapter 4: training with a sadistic cat

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Its been two months since he had dinner with the Midoriya's and was made an official guard, the black symbol on his arm proof of that, and with it brought him a new ability, brain washing, the ability to take control of someone if they reply to him.

His uncle when he became a guard gained the power to hypnotise people that look into his eyes, his mother could control the body of anyone she touched and his father gained the ability to paralyse anyone he cut so it was no surprise when he got brainwashing.

It didn't take long for Izuku to find out, really, he shouldn't have expected otherwise so for the last Two months the two had been working to get his new "quirk" under control, "how many people do you think you can brainwash?"

"I'm not- "

"do you think you can brainwash someone if they use body language?"

"I don't think- "

"could you brainwash animals and monsters?"

"Izuku- "

"oh, do you thin- "

"IZUKU!!" he cringed when he heard the younger boys teeth click together "calm down, why are you asking me about brainwashing when you most likely know more about it then me at this point, also its kind of creepy if you don't stop to breath."

Izuku's eyes widen and he nods taking a breath "ok then, do you want to try out something with your quirk." He asks as they walk down the street, "na, we've been working on it for a while now but that's not going to get us into U.A."

It was at this point in time that Hitoshi stopped walking and pointed off to the side "so we have to train our body's as well to get in, so I thought why not help the community while were at it." He grinned lazily as he watched his friend look at the trash covered beach then at him putting what he was saying together and his face pail.

". . . no."


"there's no way, I know we are stronger, faster and have better stamina then humans but there is no way we can clean all of this."

"you don't know till you try." He grinned as he walked down the steps to the beach of junk "Hitoshi you can't even see the sand!" he yelled as he followed him down "then start cleaning." Was the only warning he got before a pair of gloves hit him in the face.

"where did you even get these?"

"from the shops"

"that not what I mean, we came here with nothing and now- where did the mask and scarf come from?" he asked looking at the pail green scarf he held as he put on the dark purple mask with a glitchy question mark on it.

"the bag."

"what bag!?"

"that one." He said pointing to the dark grey bag next the stairs as he handed the scarf to me.

"you can just take that! What if someone still wants it or what if they have some sort of disease!?"

"there fine I brought them here yesterday when I was making sure this is what we were going to do to train." He said picking a microwave which's door had fallen of from a pile of them and carrying it up the stars to a truck in the car park that I didn't even notice till now.

"ok but why did you give me a scarf?"

"to block out the scent of the trash." Izuku followed him as he walked up and down the stairs brining microwave after microwave from the pile.

"ok but why a scarf?"

"you look better in a scarf then a mask." He said picking another microwave and carrying it up the stars to the truck.

"I didn't agree to this."

"then why did you put the gloves and scarf on?"

"I-.. ah . . you're a butt."

"no, I'm a panther."

"did you say cat." He said putting the scarf on to hide his grin.

"don't you dare, I'm a panther not a cat."

"and a panther is just a big cat."

Both boys continued to bicker as they cleaned the beach never noticing the blond skeleton of a man stopping to watch them, his soft smile never leaving as he thought to himself "maybe the next generation have more hope then I thought." With that the blond left.

It took another 2 months before you could see a good amount of difference on the beach, you could see about a quarter of the beaches sand and others had started to notice and buy the boys drinks or bring them something to eat telling them to keep up the hard work.

Both boys were happy with how much they had done in the small two hours they would come down to clean every day, at this rate they would have the place clean a little bit before the exams.

"wow, you've done so much boy's" the booming voice rang from the top of the stares, both boys turned to see a skinny blond man, "Yagi-san how are you today?" Izuku asked as he and Hitoshi walked up to the man.

The way they met him was quiet worrying, like how is coughing up your lungs- uh lung while introducing yourself normal? Well its past now and he dose make the best sandwich's.

"I'm doing great thank you young Midoriya, how are you two?"

"as you can see, I'm doing great, but Hitoshi is- "

"insomnia sucks"

"as tired as ever." That gained a chuckle from the blond and a groan from the tired teen, "I got you some flavoured waters this time and some chicken sandwiches." Yagi offered as he opened the bag, he had brought with him handing the boys the food and drink.

Hitoshi grunted his approval as he sat on the steps to eat "thanks for the food Yagi-san." Izuku cheered as he joined Hitoshi on the steps followed not long after by Yagi, they sat there in a peaceful silence as the looked out at the beach.

"you've cleaned up quiet a bit of this beach, boy's, it's quite impressive."

"yeah but we still have so much to clean." Izuku pointed out.

"can I give up?" Hitoshi asked only to get a light punch to the side from Izuku.

"no. you. Can. Not. You're the one who started this and your going to end it." Izuku huffed as he turned back to the sandwich in his hand.

"what was younger me thinking." He complained.

"its only been two months Hitoshi you still have six more so suck it up you lazy cat."


"keep telling yourself that, he's a cat isn't he Yagi-san?" Yagi's eyes widened before he chuckled at being dragged into the argument "well I have to say young Shinso, you do act like a cat most of the time."

"NOT YOU TOO! Why does everyone that?"

"because you're a cat."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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