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Chapter eight:

Chapter eight:"Silence"

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You were training in the misty forest, doing your best to master the first form that you'd clumsily accomplished to do. Tokito was out for a mission since early in the morning, he had left you with clear instructions of practicing it until it comes off naturally.

He was a tough teacher as always!

You sighed, reminiscing those harsh words come out of his lips.

He's so dashing!


Your hands felt your cheek's heat rise, eyes shut while you performed a weird happy dance around the garden. Nobody could see you anyway, so you were free to fangirl all you wanted.

Your head collided with a tree, forcing you to abruptly wake up from your daydreams and rub your swollen forehead.

At least it served you as a reminder of your obligations.

I better start working hard before Tokito-sama returns.

And with that, you kept practicing the first form, over and over again. From the precious garden to the mist-clouded forest, your limbs and blade rose and fell, thrusting them forward and pulling back with complete awareness of your surroundings. Your footwork had gotten much better than the last time you practiced with Tokito.

From the rising sun to its setting form, you didn't stop performing it until your lungs burnt, your body became droppy and your mind was swarmed with dizziness.

Panting, the worn-out sword plunged, your calloused hands not having strength left to hold it.

Your body sank, the wet ground pillowed your tired form as soon as it hit it.

You hissed at the pain, yet meant to pick up the sword to keep going. Despite that, you had no sensation in your legs anymore, they were as good as useless.

What the...? They won't move!

"What do I do now?" you asked out loud, as if the forests' animals could understand you "I swear, if a spider approaches me in this state, I'll die"

Tiredness washed over you, eyelids weighting heavier than they should. Your mind alerted you to stay awake, being in the middle of the forest with cuts and dirt all over you, who knows what could happen? But the toll of physical strain had already settled on you.

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