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Chapter thirteen:
"Is she a princess or secretly a bear?"

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Another month had gone by, making it three months and a half in which you had been training under Muichiro. With inmense dedication and effort, you had learned to control your drooling every time you had to wake him up in the morning
—because God knows he looks so cute when he's just waking up—.

Out of the six forms of mist breathing, you had learned how to perform three of them; the first, second and fourth, since it was impossible for you to do the third one without getting dizzy or hitting your head with a tree. Muichiro had mentally face-palmed so many times that week that his blank expression had a hint of disappointment. Luckily, he was flexible enough to let you continue without that one.

Currently, it was your first day off in all the time you'd been there. A day off without being incredibly ill or with the sky begging to fall onto earth.

There was just a big problem that you were tearing your hair out due to the frustration it gave you: you had no idea what to do.

Your only hobby was reading, because that was the sole thing you were allowed to do. However, the mist estate had no library nor books to speak of.

Muichiro was sound asleep. The day before he had returned from a long mission and he was probably tired after that.

You were strongly considering practicing your failed third form despite your muscles aching, when a knock on the wooden door started you.

"Eek!" you cried, taking fast steps backwards until your back hit a wall.

Don't tell me it's a bear knocking on the door again!

Not when Tokito-sama is sleeping!

Readying your training sword, tears pilled on your eyes, legs trembling like a baby deer, you took one step at a time closer to the sound.

There was the possibility of Shinobu being the one behind the door, but you wouldn't take your chances and open the door without protection.

Your hand made contact with the doorknob. Carefully, you turned it, creaking the door open.

"AHHHH!" you screamed with your eyes closed, putting all your strength in your weapon and swinging it down.

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