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Chapter forty-five:
"You're family as well"

➳ This chapter is literally just screaming how cute Shinobu and Giyuu are

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This chapter is literally just screaming how cute Shinobu and Giyuu are. They're sort of friends, I guess? Like, the type of friendship in which one would constantly bully the other but is there whenever the other is depressed or smth?


A myriad of stars filled the sky, which had become dark a while ago. It was cold outside, but Giyuu didn't care. The tranquility of the night lulled him completely, after having to deal with too many emotions ever since you began your treatment a week ago. He could now be more at peace now that you were getting better, and that the insect pillar would finally get some rest after so much stress. The gentle rustle of the leaves of the trees with the occasional breeze and the wind bells were pleasant sounds to hear so late at night.

He decided he would go back to his estate in a few more minutes. He had just been back from a mission and came to visit you, but found that you were already sleeping next to Muichiro, who had probably fallen asleep without intending to.

He figured that it wouldn't do any harm if he just stayed there, sitting on the engawa and looking towards the garden for a few more minutes while he slowly drank sake to ease his mind.

His peace was only shattered with the light vibration of the wood, as someone really, really tiny approached. Giyuu didn't need to hear her saccharine giggles to know that it was Shinobu, who hadn't wasted a minute to sit beside him.

"It's such a rare sight to see you getting drunk! In a few years we might have an alcoholic water pillar who cannot even walk without stumbling upon every chair that is on his way, fufu~"

He didn't answer, attempting to regain his peace and quiet by staring at the stars. They, along with the crescent moon, were really pretty that night.

Shinobu, however, continued to interrupt his resolve to retain quietness. "I suppose you came to visit [Y/N] again today... She's been in a good mood thanks to your visits and Muichiro's very existence. She hates taking the medicine, she only drinks it when Muichiro is the one who feeds her..., but hey, that's young love for you."

"Would you please leave?" he finally spoke, closing his eyes and sighing. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with her antics. Usually, he would be nicer, but he had been through a tough week without seeing much of you nor Tanjiro.

Shinobu's smile faltered a little, and when she spoke his name again, it was a tone more serious than before.


He directed his attention towards her, expecting what nonsense she had to say next. He was a little surprised, however, of seeing that she carried a sad smile instead of her usual fake one.

"Please take good care of [Y/N]" she requested, allowing herself to be genuine for just a moment "If something happens to me, please take care of her."

Giyuu simply sighed, not really interested in what she had to say. As always, he had a cold aura that would discourage people to speak to him —even if he wanted to—, but it seems that Shinobu was completely immune to it.

"She already has Tokito by her side. Nothing could possibly happen that would tear him apart from her, so I don't understand your anguish."

"I know that. I know she has him, but... throughout being with her for a year, I've learnt many things about her and have come to love that silly girl wholeheartedly. She also seems to view me as an older sister, so if she loses me, I'm afraid she might feel the same loneliness I felt when I lost Kanae."

"I don't understand your point."

He was already getting on her nerves due to his bluntness, but she pushed herself to ignore it because what she wanted to say was more important than how annoying he was.

"She has no family outside of us. Losing a single person important to her might break her completely. And when she's shattered to pieces, who is going to put her pieces back together?"

"She still has many other people around her."

"Of course she does! She's not as antisocial as you are! And stop trying to refute me, it's annoying." she exclaimed, worn out by the water pillar's lack of awareness "What I mean is that she only sees the two of us as her family. She adores you, and sees you as her big brother. So if anything were to happen to me, you have to promise me that you'll take care of her, okay? Even walk her to the altar when she marries Muichiro."

She said the last part despite it being embarrassing, solely because it's probably what you would say instead. After all, you did need someone to walk you to the altar in such fated day.

Regardless of her embarrassment, she let out a giggle, imagining your reaction if you had been there. A couple of tears formed in her violet-colored eyes, yet she was forcing her usual smile again.

"I've already said it before, but I'm her older sister, so be her older brother. As stupid as it sounds, we're her family."

His celurean irises held her gaze for a long while, internalizing her words and also finding it weird. He'd thought that she was unable to be sincere with herself or to even consider him part of their messed-up family, specially considering how much she loves to bother him.

He turned back his attention towards the sky before humming, making her tilt her head in wonder.

"I care about her just as much as you do" he commented, "but you keep talking as if you're sure you're going to die soon."

She remained silent, unable to deny the fact that she knew that her end was near.

"Don't die" he said, startling her a bit. She didn't expect him to say that. "Make sure you don't die so soon. Keep fighting and getting stronger than you are now. I can be her brother, but she will always need her sister. It'd be a shame if you died now that we're family."

He wasn't staring at her, but the small smile he had was probably addressed towards her. She could only stare wide-eyed, her mouth slightly opened. She wanted to point out how stupid he looked smiling at the sky, or how cringe of an older brother you had, but instead, she rathered let the peacefulness of the night make her smile and look up at the stars with him.

At least she could trust him to take care of you when she's gone.


Can we appreciate how nice Giyuu is?
So far, he's listened to [Y/N] and let her cry on his shoulder, is constantly visiting [Y/N] and making sure she's doing well, covered Mitsuri with his haori when he thought she might get cold, worried about Shinobu's mental health several times, made sure that nobody woke her up after she had been awake for days, and now he's encouraging her to stay alive.

Like,,, this man is the definition of perfection.

Also, next chapter we're going back to Mui and [Y/N], and to the lightheartedness as well. No more tears, everyone!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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