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Chapter thirty-one:
"The sword that changes color"

Chapter thirty-one:"The sword that changes color"

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Twelve days from the selection were filled with bliss, just you and Muichiro goofing around because he didn't have any missions and you didn't have to train as hard as you were used to. For the first time, it actually felt as if you two were a normal family living together doing normal things, like laundry, cooking, running around the estate with mops to clean and doing silly competetions on who could clean faster, etc.

When you two weren't doing those things, it was common to be cloudgazing, taking naps together, doing memory games to help him improve it, and he even tried to teach you to bake —the first time you baked cookies, he almost chuckled when you tried to open a flour package and accidently got covered in it—.

The morning of the thirteenth day, Muichiro was sure his ears were going to explode. You were excited to get your sword and uniform already, and coincidentally, they came in the same day.

"Tokito-sama! Tokito-sama! It's finally here!" you exclaimed, shaking him by his shoulders without being able to contain yourself from showing excitement.

Muichiro let himself be rocked back and forth and simply patiently waited until the young kakushi and the old man wearing a hyottoko mask came inside the estate. As they got closer, your heart started beating faster while a feeling of unease clung onto you, to the point in which your anxiety ate your happiness away and you had to hide behind Muichiro.

They both bowed before Muichiro, who was too busy thinking about the meaning of life to pay any attention to them.

The female kakushi batted her eyelashes rapidly just staring at your master and then back at you, while her eyes were smiling.

"Good morning, Tokito-sama, [Y/N]-sama, I came here to deliver the new uniform!"

«Ah... we're all alive to die, aren't we...?»

He then blinked his thoughts away when he felt a gentle tug on his sleeve. He directed his attention towards you, who were blushing and pointing at the other two people. He was a bit lost, but after a long silence, he took the small box into his hands and let the kakushi return to the Ubuyashiki estate. Usually, they would stay to make sure it fit appropriately, but the way you shied away so much made it impossible for her to even ask you to get changed and show how it fits.

Besides... they went to so much painful trouble to make you one.

The swordsmith came into the living room and took out a sword from a velvet box, while you tried your best to pour tea in his cup without making a mess due to all the shaking.

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