Chunin Exams Round 1\\Part 2

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So Gaara is now 13 and Naruto is 12. They still haven't met each other and Naruto has been trained by Kurama so he's a lot stronger than he is in the anime.
*Naruto POV*
I was walking down the street. It had been 8 years since he'd met Kurama. He turned a corner and saw a guy with face paint and a cat suit(I think that's what it is) on, holding Konahamaru by the front of the shirt. 
"HEY, LET HIM GO", I shouted. He turned his and smirked. "Make me", he said. That ticked me off. "Fine. SHADOW CLONE JUTSU", I shouted. Five clones of me appeared. I charged forward and he charged as well letting go of Konahamaru. But then a voice called out. "Stop Kankuro". He froze and looked over at where the voice came from. A boy with blood red hair, pale eyes and skin with a gord attached to his back standing on a tree branch.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU", I shouted at him. He looked down at me and said,"I am Gaara Subuka, weapon of Suna". I stared in shock. Weapon of the Suna?? What did he mean. "And you are?", he asked suddenly with a cold voice. "Uh, I-i'm... Inhale. I AM NARUTO UZAMAKI! BELIEVE IT!", I replied. He turned away from me and got ready to leave. "Let's go Kankuro", he said. "Y-yes G-Gaara", he replied shakily as if he was scared. They left and I turned around.

"Since there from Suna then that means I need to do the Chunin Exams", I said to myself,"Or else they'll never know who's stronger". I ran off to training grounds 7. It was an open space next to a river and there were three posts. "Alright, time to start training", I said to myself. "Hey kit", Kurama said into my head before I started. "Yeah Kura-san", I asked? " That boy, Gaara, watch out for him, he's dangerous" Kurama said. "Why", I asked? "He's the one tails,Shukaku, Jinchūriki", Kurama said. "Ohhhh", I said. "So I want to teach you a new jutsu, kit", Kurama said. I nodded. I touched my stomach and drew chalkra into my fingertips. I raised my hand and slammed it into the ground. "SUMMONING JUTSU", I shouted. A small fox with nine tails appeared. "Alright, the new jutsu I'll be teaching you is called the Rasengan", Kurama explained. I nodded. "Here", Kurama said summoning a water balloon. "Burst it with your chalkra", Kurama explained. "ALRIGHT", I screamed with enthusiasm.

*Gaara POV*
from leaving with Kankuro...
"Why did you attack them Kankuro", I asked. I didn't know why but I had a feeling of protection over him. "I uhhhh.... HE STARTED IT", he complained. I sighed and shook my head. We arrived at the place we were staying and we entered. I sat on the roof as the sun sunk below the orange sky. It was my routine now. I thought about the blonde. His hair was the colour of the sun. It was beautiful. Huh. I'd never had these thoughts before. I'll figure it out tomorrow. I continued to look up at the moon and stars until the next day.

I jumped down from where I was perched on the roof and went to meet Kankuro and Temari. Temari was a tall person with blonde hair that's tied into four ponytails, has a giant fan strapped to her back and was extremely pale. (You can see the three at the top). We walked to a random forest and began training. Kankuro got out his puppet and attacked with it and Temari got out her fan opened a third of the way so you could see a blue dot. "Wind Release: Wind Cutter Technique", she said. A giant blade of air and Kankuro's puppet flew at me. Sand flew around me stopping the attacks. "Sand Coffin", I said as sand rapped around them. "I win", I said releasing them. They just sat there in annoyance.

*Naruto POV*
Time skip to the Chunin Exams...
I arrived at the Chunin Exams and saw Sasuke and Sakura. "Hey, Duckbutt, Hey Pinkie", I said. This ticked them off. I didn't care. "Hehehe", I said. "Come on", I said heading into the building. I walked up to a person at a desk. "Hi, where's the Chunin Exams", I asked. The person looked up and said, "Third floor". I nodded and walked up the stairs as the other two followed.

We made it too the third floor and I instantly noticed it was a genjutsu. I released it and told the others to follow me. We walked onto the real third floor and walked into room. There were ninjas from tons of different villages. All the Konaha 12 were there as well. I looked around the room and spotted the three from earlier. I walked up to them. They looked at me. "You got a problem", the blonde one said. "No blondie, I just wanted to say... Good luck. Your gonna need it against me.", I turned around and walked off. After a few minutes the instructor walked in. "ALRIGHT YOU MISERABLE SLUGS, I WILL BE YOUR INSTRUCTOR FOR THIS EXAM. IT WILL BE A TEN QUESTION TEST. YOU WILL GET THE 10TH ONE AFTER THE FIRST NINE. AND IF YOU ARE CAUGHT CHEATING YOU WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DISQUALIFIED", he yelled.

We began the test and I finished the test after five minutes. I looked around the room and saw everyone struggling. Idiots. I decided to take a nap while I wait. I was suddenly woken up by the instructor yelling again. "ALRIGHT BEFORE I GIVE YOU THE 10TH QUESTION YOU HAVE TO DECIDE NOW IF YOUR STAYING OR LEAVING. IF YOU LEAVE NOW YOU CAN TRY AGAIN NEXT YEAR. IF YOU DON'T AND YOU GET IT WRONG YOU CAN NEVER DO THE CHUNIN EXAMS AGAIN", he shouted. A lot of people left leaving only the Konaha 12, the sand siblings and some others from other villages. "Alright. You all pass" the instructor said not shouting surprisingly. Everyone looked surprised. "You have to be willing to take risks to be a Chunin", he explained.

Suddenly a purple haired women flew threw the window. "Alright this way to the forest of death where the second exam will be", she said running out the window. Every one went down the stairs but I just teleported. The second instructor came shortly after me. Then the sand siblings. And finally everyone else arrived. I looked at Gaara and realized he was staring at me. I blushed and looked away. WAIT, WHY AM I BLUSHING! I AM NOT GAY! Right?

 WAIT, WHY AM I BLUSHING! I AM NOT GAY! Right?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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This is what Konahamaru looks like btw. See ya' next chaptaaaaa!! Good biii!

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