First Gig

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   Admittedly, you weren't the best at navigating underground. Splinter asked you for a favour, but you didn't really know what it was. He didn't ask for food or supplies, so it was really picking your brain.

  He gave you directions after finally finding the place you were talking about, but you were so lost still.

   You remember going there to hang out with friends during highschool but it had been so long that you couldn't remember the routes until you passed some the graffiti that another friend of yours tagged to direct you.

   Eventually, you came across the last tag and wandered into the abandoned subway to see something move into the shadows.

   "Splinter, it's me, (Y/n),"

   He came out of hiding and took off his hood, smiling at you. "It is good to see you. Thank you for coming to help,"

   "Of course. What do you need? Are the turtles alright?" You asked, following him to another room.

   "They're fine. I want to introduce you to them properly,"

   In a room, there was a bed and the turtles were all together, patting each other on the shells to make fun noises. They seemed happy.

   Splinter closed the door behind you and gathered them all on the bed, letting the freckled turtle hold his fingers tightly.

   "This little one is Michelangelo. He's a very sweet, but hungry child." He pulled him onto his lap and tickled him.

   Another turtle looked at you and only stared... and kept staring until it finally decided to climb onto Splinter's lap too.

   "This is Raphael. He's always moving around... and frankly the hardest to put to bed,"

   "Aw... shy little fella too, huh?" You cooed, looking closer. "Oh my gosh... what happened to his shell?"

   "I was being chased and... I had to separate for a moment. Long story short, he fell down a flight of subway stairs and was run over by the shopping cart,"

   "Poor guy... he's sure tough though,"

   The other two turtles came right up to you. One sat beside you and calmly held your hand, seemingly accepting you right away. The other climbed onto your lap and began to play with your clothing and jewellery.

   "This is Donatello. He likes to grab at everything and look at them..." Splinter leaned close, getting yanked by the beard by Donatello. "...Unfortunately,"

   "And how about this one?" The one holding your hand seemed to start falling asleep on you and waking up again.

   "This is Leonardo. I think he likes you,"

   "What a cute little gentleman. Hi honey, I'm (Y/n)," you said.

   Michelangelo soon crawled up closer to you as well, trying to go onto your lap and slipping off of the bed. Your reflexes struck you and you caught him by the leg.

   "This is why I need your help,"

   You pulled Michelangelo safely onto the bed again and looked at Splinter, confused. "What do you mean?"

   "As kind as it is for you to spend money for food for another family... I need to go find food as well. I also need to clear out the station so it is suitable for the little ones. I can fix up the kitchen but I need you to keep an eye on them while I attend to these tasks,"

   "Wait, you want me to babysit these turtles?"

   "It would mean everything to me if you could. Just for a few hours,"

   Donatello looked up at you and began touching your face curiously and happily.

   "I guess it couldn't hurt. Is there anything more I should know?"

   Splinter looked at his turtles and smiled. "That's all. If you have any questions, you'll have to wait until I come back. I'm going to find some food first,"

   He said bye to each of the turtles before getting up to leave. As he was about to open the door, he took a last look at your eyes to make sure you were still okay with this whole thing.

  Then Splinter left.

  Leonardo looked at the door, a little anxious now that Splinter left and began fussing. Raphael seemed to catch the energy and began fussing as well, but flat out began crying... then Michelangelo joined in because it stressed him out.

   -Oh no...-

   You began hugging them and trying to play with them. Donatello didnt seem to mind too much because he was distracting himself with your hair.

  "Shhh it's okay sweetie, don't cry. He'll be back," you cooed in a playful, high pitched tone. "I'll always be here for you no matter what. Come sit on the floor,"

   You picked up Leonardo and Raphael and sat them down on the floor with you, helping Donatello and Michelangelo afterwards. That was when you discovered you could only really fit two of them in your arms.

   You looked around and saw some old toys on the floor for them interact with. There were some blocks, a teddy bear, and plastic cars. Michelangelo held the bear in his arms and put its ears in his mouth.

   Raphael was still shy and didn't want to interact, but Leonardo seemed to encourage him to play with the cars together. You could tell they had a special bond.

   Donatello however just stayed to himself. He was very quiet for a baby. He liked holding blocks in his two hands and dropping them again and again. He didn't make a tower, but he was still happy and excited by the sounds of the blocks hitting the floor.

   Michelangelo got tired of the bear eventually and went right up to you with a big smile on his face. It was apparent that couldnt talk yet, but he sure tried. He liked hearing his voice and trying it's limits by saying "abubuhbuh" in different volumes and tones.

   He came closer and leaned on you like a hug and rubbed his face on you happily and patting your hands.

   This definitely wasn't going to he the last time you babysat these guys.

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