tall bitch, short hoe

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bakugo's pov

i woke up too deku sleeping. god he' so cute ! wait- how'd i get here !? oh wait... i remember.. i sigh and sit up, petting his green fluffy hair. " deku " i shake him slowly and weakly. he slowly wakes up. " morning, kacchan " he smiles. i smile back weakly, he gets up and leaves the room. i whine " d-d-d-deku ..! come b-b-back..! " he chuckles and comes back " i'm making breakfast, kacchan. just sleep while i make you breakfast. " i blush for some reason and stutter out " b-b-b-b-b-but i sho-uld g-g-o h-home an-d i-i-i-i-i d-d- " he cut me off " kacchan it's fine just sleep " he leaves again. i just sleep like he told me too

deku's pov

I make breakfast. after half a hour or more, breakfast is done. I go to kacchan he's so cute asleep ! I lightly shake him, he wakes up. his crimson ruby red sleepy eyes looking at me. god I felt my chest get heavy my heart race ! I blushed. he got up and hugged me, I blushed more grabbing his thighs, god I didn't mean to do it my body just did I was a blushing mess. to my surprise, he wrapped his legs around my waist " i'm hungry... " he said in a ADORABLE ! sleepy voice. " ok-okay " I brought him to the table and sat him down. I got the breakfast and put it in front of him, he ate it, it was quiet for what felt like forever but probably just 3 or 4 minutes. " th-thanks deku.. " he looked at me. I smile " no problem... shortie~  I tease. he made a cute mad face " i'm not short ! i'm taller then average height ! " I put my finger under his chin. making him look directly into my eyes. he was blushing. I whisper in his ear " but you'd look small under me~ " god that made him a blushing mess. '... i'm not even gay... besides I still kinda hate him... ' I thought. he got up " whatever..! I need to get home. bye deku " and he left, I just looked at him leave. I sigh and do homework

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