[53] Rise Of The Dark Lord

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The Wizarding World was slowly succumbing to chaos. Mysterious attacks had started happening throughout Britain as well as other parts of the world concentrated in wizard population, mostly targeting Muggleborns and their families.

There was no knowing who was behind the attacks though an air of terror had gripped the wizarding world, digging its claws deeper as the attacks and casualties increased. Only a few people were aware of the real group behind the attacks; Tom Riddle and his cult of Dark Wizards, better known as the Death Eaters.

With the increase in attacks at Halfbloods and other members of the wizarding community, the Ministry had to switch into a defensive mode, calling upon all Aurors (current, retired as well as trainees) for help against the Dark forces.

As a result, Nathan was also contacted by the current Minister for Magic Eugenia Jenkins, to rejoin the Ministry as an experienced Auror. Eugenia Jenkins had previously dealt extremely well with the pureblood riots that had broken out after Nobby Leach's overthrow but the current situation was globally threatening hence she needed as much help as possible.

In a matter of time, the name Lord Voldemort had become feared among wizards for the terror his attacks had spread was immeasurable. Only a select few such as Dumbledore, Perseus, Nathan and Demelza were aware of Voldemort's true identity.

It was a Hogsmeade weekend for the students at Hogwarts so the village was rather overcrowded. Eridanus had come home as well to pay his parents a visit. It was his first Hogsmeade weekend as he had now reached third year of his studies. 

Time surely flew fast enough but with all the mishaps happening in the wizarding world, people didn't realize how quickly the good days had come to an end.

Demelza and Danny were in the kitchen when Nathan came down as well, all packed up to leave for the Ministry.

"Good morning Dad," Danny's cheerful voice greeted him and he looked up at the boy with a warm smile on his face.

"Eridanus," he ruffled his head affectionately, grabbing the sandwiches Demelza had laid out for breakfast, "bet you think you're lucky we live so close to the school."

"Definitely," he nodded, "I thought I would give you both a surprise. But looks like you're leaving for somewhere."

Nathan noticed the time, dipping his head in a nod, "I am, the Ministry has been recruiting all former and ex Aurors in the light of current circumstances."

"Oh..." the boy looked at him curiously, "I see. The attacks have been all my housemates talk about now."

"Dreadful times," he sighed.

Demelza placed a cup of tea in front of him, "Nathan, at least finish your breakfast please before you go."

"Of course, I... I am running a little late today."

Danny smiled reassuringly at him, "don't worry, Dad. Things would work out for the best."

Nathan smiled back at him, thinking how different Eridanus was from his real father. The boy was highly optimistic and caring that it had been a slight surprise when the Hat had placed him in Slytherin. 

True, there were times when he got slightly unstable due to that strange connection he had to his biological father. But other than that, the boy was a source of joy in their lives.

"And enough of all the depressing talk. Let me tell you about two hazards that got enrolled in this year's new batch," he spoke up, turning towards Demelza, "James Potter and Sirius Black. I wasn't at all surprised that they were sorted in Gryffindor and ever since then our school has been an utter epitome of chaos."

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