weekend in Miami part 1

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When we get to Miami, it's already 11:00 PM because of the time difference. I turn my phone back on, which I had off for the entire flight. It beeps and I see a message from Ondreaz. "Shooting ran long and our car had a breakdown. Sorry" sighing I close my cell phone and put it in my pocket.

"Don't you answer him?" Piper's next to me. I'm shaking my head. Piper nods and puts her arm around me. After everyone has their suitcases, two cabs drive us to the house. When William unlocks the door, again with a camera pointed at us, of course, we meet four boys and two girls in the living room. "Welcome to Miami!" One of the boys gets up. "Nice to meet you" he comes up to us and hugs everybody. The four boys turn out to be Sam Hardy, Kyan Norman, Rafael Dixon and Noel Watts, the boy band called planless that I've already been told about. They all look like the typical Miami Surfer Boys, which makes them kind of cute as a group though.

The girls are Kaylee Shelton and Madeline Ayers, they are a duo from Boston and the last two to sign the contract. They also welcome us with a hug. When we all introduced ourselves, Kaylee and Madeline show the girls and me our room. There will be two big common rooms, separated into boys and girls. Our room is large and filled with four double beds plus two closets and a large mirror. We even have direct access to our own bathroom.
After we arrange the beds, I sleep in one bed with Piper of course,Kaylee and Madeline suggest to show us the rest of the house.  They start their tour with the boys' room and the rooms of William, Emma and the other managers and of course the cameraman. Then they go into the main bathroom which is not used by anyone as everyone has their own bathroom, as Kaylee explains. "how long have you been here that you know all this?" I laugh. "We got a tour of this place on Thursday after we signed the contracts." Kaylee smiles at me.

We go down to the ground floor. In the kitchen, Emma and William are standing, telling us there's gonna be a midnight snack soon. The dining room with the living room is very modern and comfortable. We enter the terrace and immediately the cold night air hits us and we feel a light sea breeze in the air. Our pool is illuminated and there is even a bar outside. There is also a small sitting area with a fireplace and a kind of built up stage. "This is where the performances will take place tomorrow" Madeline smiles at the group. We were already told on the flight that we all have a duet and a solo performance tomorrow.

We go back into the house and go to the basement. "Here are the different rehearsal rooms for tomorrow" As we have now finished the house tour, we thank Madeline and Kaylee and go to the kitchen where we meet the boys. We all eat our snack with pleasure when William joins us. Behind him of course again the cameraman.

"I am happy to welcome you all to our project! This weekend is supposed to be a time to get to know each other, so we'll take it nice and slow. As I already told you, your performances will take place tomorrow evening. It's all about getting to know each other's talents, but also to harmonize with each other for the first time." We clap."Well, we'll drag notes right now to see who sings a duet with whom, but first of all for tomorrow.  We all get up at ten and have breakfast together. Your managers will take care of the food, by the way" we clap again. "After the meal we'll go to the individual rehearsals, you'll be assigned a rehearsal room tomorrow. You can rehearse your performance for tomorrow night. Afterwards it goes to the duet rehearsals. After that we have lunch and then it's free time. You can go to the beach, to the pool or just do whatever you want. But at seven there is dinner and at eight we start performing" we all nod to show that we understand.

"Well then I guess we'll pull the notes now" he fetches two bowls. "We have decided that it will always be a girl and a boy" he pulls the first two pieces of paper. "Alyssa and... David" the two smile at each other. William draws the next two cards."Oh dear, it's going to be a big group...Nike plus band with planless" I grin at my band and the boys.  "I guess that leaves Allan, Kaylee and Madeline" we clap one last time. "Anybody got any questions?" William looks around, but nobody has anything. "All right, now, off to your rooms! I want to be blown away tomorrow night."

We girls go back to our rooms and everyone gets ready in the bathroom to go to bed. But although it is already after two o'clock at night, none of us thinks about sleeping. We all sit on our beds and without further ado we open a round of questions. "Okay, which one of you is taken?" Alyssa looks from bed to bed. Kaylee shakes her head. "I'm single." "Me too." Piper raises her hand. Joana joins in. "I have a boyfriend" Madeline smiles. "How long?" Alyssa is totally curious. "Almost four years." "I'm taken too." Lisa answers. "Seven months," she adds. "What about you, Nike?" Alyssa looks at me with interest. "I've been taken in almost two months, but it's complicated right now." I sigh. "Oh, OK." Alyssa gives me a pity look. "What about you, Alyssa?" Piper's trying to take the conversation away from me. "Taken, we had our one-year anniversary last week," she beams as she talks about her boyfriend.

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