Day 5 Snowed in

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Hey everyone! I'm back, it's Claire!

Hope you enjoy this Fic!

Love you guys!


I wince at the loud noise as I force the door closed against the roaring wind surrounding the cabin.

"So much for any sort of outdoor activity." I mumble.

Alya looks up at me with her dark brown eyes.

"What are we gonna do? We can't stay here! It's not our cabin! We only just found it on our hike and decided to take shelter from the storm!"

"It's gonna be ok, Alya." I say as I take off my pack and search in the dark for my lighter and emergency candles.

When I find them I light one of them and look around the dimly lit room. It's pretty small. One bed, a small kitchenette, a fireplace and a room that I'm guessing is a bathroom.

I quickly move to the fireplace and pull out some kindling and tinder to light it. I crouch near the small fire, helping it grow and Alya takes a seat next to me, warming her body.

"Do you think this was a bad idea? You know, going on a weekend hiking trip in the middle of the winter?" she asks.

"No, I don't think so. It's kinda nice actually. I mean it could be worse you know, had we not found this cabin we would have had to try to set up shelter outside in the storm, and with winds like that there's no way we could have started a fire."

Not to mention it's really nice being stuck in her with you. I might finally be able to get a moment to talk with you.

"I guess so..." She mumbles.

I wrap an arm around her waist and let her lean on me for a while, enjoying the sacred dance of the small fire and the glow of the heated wood.

I look over at Alya, the way her soft smile brings me more warmth than the fire itself.

"Beautiful..." I whisper, not realizing I'd been saying it until it's been said. My cheeks flush but I can't tear my eyes away from her.

"Yeah, I've always loved the colors of the fire and the way it makes everything around it warmer and happier." Alya smiles.

I'm not sure if it's the cold messing with my head, or maybe the altitude, or if I had a sudden and unexpected spark of confidence but I say something entirely stupid.

"I meant you."

Alya looks up at me with wide eyes as if she could see right through me somehow. I make quick work of turning away for fear that I'd done something wrong.

"Nino? You think I'm beautiful?"

"I-It wasn't supposed to come out like that." I blurt.

I glance sideways at Alya and I wince as her confused look turns to hurt.

"What did you mean then?"

I huff in frustration with myself and turn to my best friend.

"That didn't come out right either... I do think you're beautiful, incredibly beautiful, but I wasn't ready to bring all that up yet. I was gonna talk to you about that later." I explain. "Me and my big fat mouth I guess." I sigh and stare back down at my hands.

"I think you have a great mouth. I honestly wouldn't call it fat. More like soft approachable, you know?"

Wait what? What did you just say because I think I might have heard you wrong.

"Y-You think so?" I ask cautiously.

"Yeah. Sometimes I wonder what it'd taste like." She whispers. "But you know, you've never shown any interest so I just thought I'd keep it to myself..."

Wait let me get this straight, you've been wanting to kiss me and I've been wanting to kiss you but we both thought the other wasn't interested in a relationship so we said nothing?!

God, I really suck at this dating thing and I haven't even started yet!

"Not interested? Are you kidding me? I've been crazy about you for years! I just didn't think you were interested in me!" I blurt.

Alya laughs and she seems to glow and radiate warmth. Soon enough I'm laughing along with her.

"Talk about irony, you know?" she giggles.

When things finally calm down Alya smiles up at me with her big brown eyes and captivatingly soft grin.

She slips onto my lap and her arms rest on my shoulders, allowing her hands to play with my short hair.

"You know I'm crazy about you too."

My forehead comes to rest on hers and my arms slip around her waist.

My heart pounds against the walls of my chest, seemingly trying to break free and find Alya's.

"Yeah?" I ask in a hushed tone.

"Yeah." she mumbles.

"C-Can I kiss you?" I whisper, our lips hover just over each other.

"You can't possibly imagine how long I've been waiting for you to ask that, for me to be able to say yes."

I don't waste another second before I pull her closer and my lips find hers.

DJ WIFI December 2018Where stories live. Discover now