Day 13 Confession

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Written by TheStrangeClaireBean

Instead of a big party for Alya's birthday, Alya, Adrien, Mari, Sabine, Tom, and I drove north of Caen to a small cabin on the beach along the English Channel.

Only problem is there's only three bedrooms. One for Mari and Adrien to share, seeing as they'd been dating for a while now; one for Tom and Sabine; and one for the two, still very single people.

Each room had one bed.

How in the world am I supposed to handle sleeping in the same bed as a very attractive girl that I just so happen to have had a massive crush on for the past two years?

I'll never survive...

The first day was terrifying. She wore this thin green turtle themed swimsuit that perfectly complimented her skin tone and red hair.

She looked absolutely stunning, to the point where I couldn't even look at her without my body being set on fire.

That night I decided I'd sleep on the couch in the main room. There was no way I would survive the night, in the same bed as her.

So I slept on the hard couch.

The further into the week it got, the crazier I was getting. I was stuttering, I couldn't look at her, I couldn't be anywhere near her, I couldn't even hear her name without my mind and body going haywire.

When the last night rolled around and I headed over to the couch after changing in our bathroom, Alya snags my wrist and holds me back.

When I looked at her there were tears in her eyes.

"Why d-did you come, Nino? W-Why did you come if you didn't even w-want to be anywhere n-near me?" she asked with a quivering voice.

"I-I" I looked away, completely ashamed of myself.

"You what, Nino? You thought it would be funny to see the crazy red head cry? Because this isn't funny to me! I don't even know why I care..."

"Alya, please just listen... " I beg. She drops my hand and crosses her arms. "I-I was avoiding you because I was afraid you'd find out how I feel. I was afraid you'd know how you light my chest on fire with just a glance, or how one look at you has me dizzy. I was afraid you'd find out just how much you mean to me. Afraid you'd realize how in love with you I am."

Alya wipes away her tears and stares at me with her hypnotizing brown eyes.

"Why were you afraid of that?"

I shrug. "You could have any guy in the whole school if you played your cards right. So why pick me? I'm not exactly all that good looking. I mean look at my nose for example. I don't have much money and I really don't have anything more than my heart to offer."

Alya giggles for a moment before pulling me into a hug.

"You and your big nose are all that I wanted in the first place, weirdo."

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