Day 6 Balcony Scene

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A/N: Ayo guys, LadyoftheBirds here, and today I'll be doing the Dec. 6 prompt: Balcony Scene. Don't mean to brag, but I've written my fair share of balcony scenes so I'm pumped for this! Enjoy!

I sighed as I gazed at the midnight sky. Today was exhausting to say the least. The Miraculous Daily had a gazillion articles to be written due to the Heroes statue Theo Barbot had built. I had to travel across the city just to write some notes before going all the way back to write the actual story. But the day didn't end there; tonight I had patrol with Carapace. As much as I love him, spending hours on end looking for trouble that didn't exist seemed tedious. Nevertheless, I persisted until Carapace told me to take the rest of the night off while he finished the shift. As reluctant as I was to ditch my husband, I agreed to do the same for him the following week.

If Nino came home to see me aimlessly staring at the stars, he'd probably ask why I'm not in bed yet. I would respond saying how Marinette rubbed off me more than it should have. Days like these made me question how Marinette and Adrien were able to do this every night for the past 7 years. Whenever we would go on a double date, they would always tell us it's because they had each other's backs. They deserved a retirement for all they gave up for the city, but they would retort and say it was just the job.

But enough about the World's Most Sickeningly Sweet Couple. It was half past twelve and Nino still hasn't come home. I wanted to go to sleep, but my body wouldn't let me. For some reason, I wasn't validated to go sleep until he came home.

I could feel my vision blur, before a man in green leaped in front of me.

"Hope I wasn't gone too long." he quipped.

We may not be as 'perfect' as our friends, but that's fine with us. As they said before, all we need is each other.

"Nope, you were right on time."

DJ WIFI December 2018Where stories live. Discover now