Three: Off to Beacon Hills

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As soon as Bonnie Bennett's location was found, the Mikaelson's sent some of their most trusted vampires to retrieve her. While waiting for the witch to be brought to them, the family members rushed to pack their necessities to bring with them to see their lost family member. They were unaware of where they would be going, but they didn't seem to care. Excitement could be felt throughout the compound.

"What is taking so long?" Klaus asked impatiently.

Elijah shook his head replying, "they are coming from the other side of the world Niklaus. Calm down."

"I will not calm down as you say. As soon as that witch steps foot into this compound and she tells me where to find my daughter she is dead!"

As Klaus finishes his threat, Josh carried in a slowly waking Bennett witch.

"About bloody time." Rebekah stated. "Wake her up."

Josh pulled out a shot of adrenaline before injecting it into her thigh.

"How dare you take my daughter! We trusted you. We trusted you to put a cloaking spell on her so Rebekah could take her and bring her to safety" Hayley yelled charging toward the witch.

Calmly Bonnie retorts, "I did it for her. I have her a chance at a normal life a life away from all of the enemies this family has. That little girl would have been bait to all your enemies to get back at you and you know it. I gave her to a great and loving family."

Before his siblings could yell out their reply's,  Elijah spoke, "you took her from her family. We would do anything to protect her."

"Is she happy? Do you still talk to the family? What's she like? Where is she?" Hayley asked tears welling in her eyes.

"Bonnie can tell us all about our daughter on the way there. Let's go."


Once everyone was seated on their compelled private jet heading toward Beacon Hills, all eyes turned to Bonnie expectantly.

"So. Are you going to tell ya about our daughter or am I going to have to compel it out of you?" Klaus asked eyes narrowed.

"She's amazing," Bonnie said with a glint in her eye. "She live in Beacon Hills California with Melissa McCall and her son Scott McCall who was born they day before Hope. Hope is beautiful and kind and so powerful. I keep in touch with the McCalls and visit as much as I can. I have been teaching her spells since she was 5."

"What about her other side? Has she broken her werewolf curse?" Hayley asked, scared she missed so much of her daughter life.

Bonnie stuttered. "Well... a little while ago, both her and her brother were bit by an alpha. It somehow triggered her curse."

"That's not how it works," Klaus said shaking his head.

"No, there are other kinds of werewolves" Hayley filled in.

"Exactly," Bonnie approved. "The bit triggered her werewolf curse but caused Scott to become the other type of werewolf." Bonnie hesitated before continuing, "Hope has also activated her vampire side."

"What!?" The entire Mikaelson family screamed.

"There are many supernaturals in Beacon Hills." Bonnie said scared of the reactions of the plane occupants.

"The Hale Pack," Hayley filled in nodding.

"Yes. Peter Hale was the one that bit Hope. After her and Scott were bit, it entered them into a world of supernatural creatures. They were fighting of Onis when Hope was killed. She was stabbed in the heart. Now she is a full tribrid. The strongest and most powerful creature to walk the earth."

"So you put our daughter in more danger than she would have been with us?" Klaus shouts standing up.

Bonnie shook her head. "I didn't know. I didn't know there would be so many supernaturals. I thought it was just the Hales! I swear."

"Well obviously you were mistaken love." Kol said sounding bored.

Ignoring Kols comment Hayley continued to ask questions. "What does she like to do? Is she good in school? What does she look like?"

"She is so smart. A straight A student. She loves hanging out with her friends. And she takes after you, Klaus, with her art. She is an amazing artist. Great with paint and sketching." Klaus smiled, proud his daughter is following in his foot steps. "And she is absolutely beautiful. She has light brown, almost auburn hair, pale skin, and beautiful blue eyes."


After landing the Mikaelsons dropped off there bags at a large mansion they would be staying at. Bonnie then led them to Beacon Hills High School, where they would be seeing their lost Hope for the first time in years.

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