Ten: Not Very Safe

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Hours have past since rescuing the teens from the Hale vault. Isaac, Scott and Hope were brought back to the McCall house where the Mikaelsons sat waiting for Hope to wake up. Elijah walked around the house, admiring the many paintings and pictures of his young niece that hung on the wall. He smiled at the little red haired girl in the frames.

"So now what?" Kol asked bluntly breaking the silence.

"We tell her. God she's going to hate me for not telling her the whole truth." Melissa shook her head.

Davina, trying to comfort the mother, asks, "she won't be mad. What did you tell her?"

"That it wasn't safe for her with you guys. That you loved her so much you gave her to me to be safe. She doesn't know that you've been looking for her. She probably thought I was just telling her that stuff to make her feel better."

"She will understand Melissa. We just wanted to protect her," Bonnie reassures just as the three teens are heard waking up and rummaging around the upstairs of the house. They make their way down the stairs but stop short suspiciously upon seeing the group gathered on the house.

Melissa takes a deep breathe, but before she could speak up Hayley cut her off, "so what's up with all these supernatural murder attempts?" Both Klaus and Melissa shoot her a glare.

"The Deadpool. It's pretty crazy here. Murdering lizards, alpha packs, human sacrifices, thousand year old mummy spirits, Mexican hunter-kidnappers, crazy physic-bitches coming back from the dead." Isaac said monotone. He continued with a jab towards the Mikaelsons, "it's not a very safe place here."

Upon hearing these words everyone, including the McCalls tense. Scott and Hope turn their heads to the floor while Melissa looks up wide eyed. "Mexican hunter-kidnappers?"

"Haha surprise!" Hope laughs off. She jabs Isaac in the ribs with her elbows. Kol smirks at his nieces humor.

"Please tell me you didn't go to Mexico? Please. Was it during that camping trip? Where did you even get passports?!"

"No we went camping IN Mexico. It had nothing to do with hunters," Scott reassured his mom.

"Mexicans like camping too," Hope shrugged.

"We know a guy. He makes really good fake IDs and passports." Isaac states receiving a glare from the others teens. Rebekah, Marcel, and Kol wear proud smiles on their faces while Melissa stays silent and shakes her head.

"In all seriousness it was a rescue mission and no one died so." Hope finishes. "Anyway, Stiles has an important update for us. He thinks he knows who's writing the list. I need to make sure I'm there so I can say "I told you so" when we discover it's Meredith."

"Actually Hope, can you stay here for a bit. I need to talk to you." Melissa turns toward Scott and Isaac and tells them Hope will meet them later. Hope nods in approval at the two before they make their way toward the front door and off to the Stilinskis house.

Melissa ushered Hope to the couch where they sat down with their knees touching and hands placed upon one another's. "What's going on?" Hope asked beginning to get nervous.

"Hope, you know I love you so much, right?" Melissa asks her daughter Hope nods well aware of her mother's love. "Well, these people," melissa gestures to the rooms occupants, " love you too."

Hope shakes her head, "are you trying to say they're my biological family?" Her eyes meet Klaus's and she instantly recognizes them as the eyes she sees in the mirror everyday. 

"I'm so sorry Hope," Melissa shakes her head.

"Why are you sorry mom?" Hope asked, "you did everything right."

Elijah steps into the conversation, "we have been looking everywhere for you these past few years." Hope looks between Bonnie and Melissa as he continues, "I am your Uncle Elijah."

"I'm Hayley. I am your mom, an-and I know you see Melissa as your mother but I'm hoping you'll see me as your mom too."

Hope stares blankly between the members of the room as the Rebekah talks, "I'm Rebekah. Your Auntie Bex. This is Marcel. Your somewhat of an adoptive brother and my on again off again boyfriend. We have missed you so much love."

"I'm these guys' big sister. Your auntie Freya."

"And I'm Kol. Your new favorite and most fun uncle. This is my beautiful wife Davina."

"My name is Klaus. Your father."


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