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Y/n's POV

I stirred in my sleep and tried to move around but something or more like someone's arms were wrapped around my future which restricted me from doing so.

I groggily opened my eyes and there I saw genos's sleeping face just inches away from mine. I raised a brow as I raised my hand up to reach and caress his face.

I honestly don't know why the hell I'm doing this it just came out naturally like I was used to it for some reason.

I sighed as I ran my hand through his soft messy blonde hair . I continued this gesture and he seemed to relax and under my touch.

I studied his face as my hand went back to caressing his cheek.

My eyes were trained on his face admiring how good looking he really is. Of course I'm aware of his feelings but I have my doubts. He's a cyborg technically a machine and machines aren't supposed to feel... Stuff but ofcourse he's still part human so it's understandable.

I don't know how to return my feelings and honestly I don't feel like returning them at all and I'm not an oblivious fool. I just chose to ignore everything he wanted me to see and acted like I had no clue at all.

Lately he's been making me feel things and I know for a fact that I'm getting attached which isn't good since my gut is telling me not to.

And my gut is always right so I decided to listen to my gut and ignore him as well as his feelings, although I may appear harsh to others ... In reality I really am since I can't really see myself hopping on the love platform since it's too bothersome to actually do couple things and I don't have the determination or the dedication to actually bat an eyelash at everyone who likes me but who knows.... This cyborg might change my mind.... Might....

How the hell did this extremely good looking cyborg come to like me? When I made it obvious that I didn't want him to yet he ended up doing the opposite for some reason.

I retreated my hand away from his cheek when his hand shot up and grabbed onto mine and his eyes opened making my soul jump out of my body .

" Why'd you stop? I liked the gesture of affection you were showing me... It made me feel safe and my heart started fluttering and my body craved for more " Genos declared bluntly making me clear my throat trying to pull my hand away from his grip but he only tightened it in reply.

" That wasn't a gesture of affection .... Ok it kinda was but I was just admiring your sleeping face.... Where you're less annoying " I admitted as he slowly let go of my hand.

I sighed in relief as I slowly lifted my weight off his body when he switched our positions now he was on top of me.

I stared up at him speechless our lips were only inches away.

Shit I really wanna kiss him right now.... Wait no I didn't think that.... It was the perverted Angel inside my head .

" Genos get off me... Now" I firmly demanded but genos didn't budge at all .  He only stared at me with those pair of cold calculating eyes.

Ok sure fine I'll admit it. I may or may have not have a tiny crush on genos before but that was when I was 17 ..... Technically I was a horny teenager back then... Now I'm an adult... Even though I just turned 18 but who cares, it's the thought that counts .

I noticed his eyes flashing back and forth to bright yellow and to its normal shade.

" Are you scanning me? " I grumbled a but frustrates at his lack of response.

" I scan you all the time" He answered and that almost made me blush.... Almost.

" You what?!... Ok I'll ignore that so metal head get off me right now" I ordered but he just kept on staring at me.

" Y/n why do you keep on rejecting me when you clearly know what my advances mean? Am I unattractive for you? Yes perhaps that is it.... Tell me your type and I'll ask doctor kuseno to make some facial adjustments according to your preference " Genos explained and that made me glare at him.

" Genos sweetie you're one of the most attractive males out there and I'm flattered that you even had the guts to like me but you know.... Uhh... You still haven't won my heart yet... Do you really think I'd judge you by your looks when clearly there's something more in you than what meets the eye. I'm no cheap woman to just love you cause you have the looks , the riches or the power... I'm not looking for a blissful prince Charming, I'm not looking for a man compared to a god, im not looking for a man who's considered the best.... I just want someone to turn to, someone to kiss... Someone to miss and someone to call mine so don't you dare say that to my face again toaster boy " I explained seriously even though I got that speech from a random song I heard passing by the supermarket and luckily the lyrics were stuck in my head.

To my surprise he started laughing out loud and that was the first time he laughed in front of me like that and it was genuine and it could make any girl fall for him. Holy shit he was hot. But still I'm not an easy girl... I don't know how I should feel.

" Well it looks like my calculations were accurate... I didn't make a bad choice in picking you as the one I'll want to be with for eternity.... I assure you... You can call me yours...if I can get to call you mine in return... I'll make sure you'll miss me when I'm gone... And I'll always kiss you when I know I have the chance to....so give me a chance....if you kiss me back then it's a yes" He finished his sentence before he pressed his lips against mine.

Don't kiss back Don't kiss back Don't kiss back.

His lips were so soft and velvety and there was a slight honey taste to his lips that made me want more.

I debated whether or not to kiss back and I'll admit that he was a good kisser. He started moving his lips and I unconsciously kissed back wrapping my hands around his neck as I pulled him closer.

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