Chapter Thirty

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Evie and the rest of the gang were on their way to Pirates Bay. Morgan was leading them since he could . . . sense Uma.
"They're being lowered into the water." Morgan said.
"What!?" Evie asked, panicked. "Is there a short cut to Pirates Bay?" 
"No, I don't think so." Celia said.
Evie groaned.
"This way." Morgan said leading the gang down a dark and rocky alleyway.
The walls were wet and water dripped from the imperfect shaped rocks.
"Are we under the Isle." Carlos asked, wiping a water droplet from his face.
"Yes." Celia said. "You guys are older than me, how do I know more about the Isle than you do?"
"Well I like your father our parents were keeping us captive in our homes teaching how to be beautiful and evil." Evie explained.
"Yeah, we didn't have a lot of time to . . . explore our . . . home." Carlos said.
Celia shrugged. It made sense her father did allow her to whatever she wanted, as long as she made a fortune for herself and him.
When the tunnel ended they were at Pirates Bay. There were pirates walking around, stealing, and doing anything an ordinary pirate would be doing. Celia was looking around. She saw a man get up.
On the barrel he was sitting on was a beautiful purple . . . ruby. Huh. She didn't know there was a such thing as a purple ruby. But then magic exists so it shouldn't be that surprising. A ruby is a ruby! Celia was quick to grab it.
She stuffed it in her pocket and looked around to make sure no one saw her. Thanks to her wickedly cool skills of sneaking around the Isle for so many years no one saw her. Evie was looking around for a ship.
"I don't see any ship." Evie said.
"Me either." Carlos and Jay say.
Celia sees a white flag. . . . A pirate flag.
"I see a pirate flag." Celia said.
"Where?!" Jay and Evie asked in unison.
Celia points off into the distance and Evies eyes trailed over to where Celia was pointing. Behind a rock was a pirate flag.
"You think that's them?" Evie asked.
"Yeah." Jay said.
"Yeah but how do we get over there?" Celia asked.
"We just walk over there." Jay said.
"The docks on Pirates Bay doesn't stretch that far." Morgan said, pointing to where the docks end.
Evie and Jay look at where Morgan was pointing. Huh. They don't remember the docks ending when they were battling Uma and her pirate gang.
"Come on there have to be another way." Jay said.
"Yeah." Evie agreed.

When Scarlet was done eating her burgers she turned into a lion and begin to sniff for Evie and the others.
"Do have their scent yet?" Carlos asked.
Scarlet ignored him and continued to sniff. That's when she picked up Evies princess perfume. She grabbed Carlos with her mouth and slung him on her back. She began to run.
"Woah!" Carlos yelled. "I'm assuming you picked up someone's scent!"
Scarlet ran and ran until she ran into Evie. Evie screamed, unaware that Scarlet was coming at her. Scarlet was a lion charging at her after all. Carlos got off Scarlets back and she turned back into a human.
"You happy now?" Quade asked.
Scarlet nods.
While Evie was trying to figure out how to get over to the pirate ship they saw in Pirates Bay Celia snuck away. No one noticed. Then a the man Celia stole from cane out.
"One of you stole my ruby!" The man said, pointing at the gang.
The gang was confused.
"I'm talking to you Auradon Kids!"
"First of all we are not Auradon Kids, every signal one of us was born here on the Isle!" Morgan said.
"Well you guys were the only ones who didn't belong in Pirates Bay and us pirates don't steal from each other!"
Jay looked at the pirate, dumbfounded.
"You guys are pirates." Jay said.
"So maybe one of the other pirates stole your . . . whatever you're missing." Morgan said.
"No! I know one of you did it!"
"Well sir no one stole an-" Evie started.
She thought about it.
"Celia." Evie said.
The gang started to search for Celia within them but she wasn't there.
"Where'd she go?" Evie asked.
"Who?" Scarlet asked, licking her fingers.
Carlos was looking at her questioningly.
"I still have some burger residue on my fingers." Scarlet explained.
"Celia!" Evie replies.
"You don't think anyone took her . . . do you?" Quade asked.
"I hope not." Evie said, looking around. "Celia!"
"Let's split up and look for her." Jay said.
Scarlet rolls her eyes.
"Another scavenger hunt?!" She groaned. "It was enough trying to track down you guys!"
She then turned into a lion and Quade stood next to her.
"I'll go with Scarlet." Quade said.
"I'll go with Jay." Evie said.
"And I'll go with Morgan." Carlos says.
"Alright, lets go." Evie said.
Scarlet started to sniff. Evie immediately started to spot shoe prints. She tapped Jay.
"Do you think those are her shoe prints?" Evie asked.
Jay looks down at the ground. He sees the shoe prints.
"Maybe." Jay replies.
"Let's follow them." Evie said, walking off.
The shoe prints lead to a cave. Evie frowned.
"The Isle has a cave?" Evie mumbled.
"Apparently." Jay said. "Let's go inside."
Jay started to go inside but Evie stopped him.
"Wait, what if she's not in there?" She asked.
"We have to check, besides what's going to be living in the cave, the Isle barely has animals." Jay said.
Jay took a step inside the cave and bats flew out. Once Jay finished fighting the bats that looked like they were about to attack him he turns to Evie, to who he think is Evie.
"Evie?" Jay said.
No answer.
Still no answer. Where'd she go.
Jay ran out the cave and looked around. He didn't see her.
"Evie! Where did you go!" Jay yelled.
The people on the Isle ignored Jays outburst. What happened to Evie? Did the bats take her and if so who's bats were they if the bats belonged to anyone. Where did the bats take her? What do they want with her?

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