Chapter Twenty-Four

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Audrey brought Jane to Fairy Cottage. Audrey was giving Jane a makeover.
"Come on girl, now it's time for your nails to be painted!" Audrey said.
Audrey walked over to a little table full of colorful nail polishes.
"Audrey, why are you doing this?" Jane asked.
"Doing what?" Audrey asked.
"This!" Jane replied, gesturing to the little makeover.
Audrey smiles as she picked a light blue polish. She smiled.
"Well maybe because you need the makeover." Audrey said.
She then spotted a hot pink nail polish. Her eyes lit up. She then grabbed and walked back over to the seat that was placed across from Jane. Audrey handed Jane the light blue nail polish.
"Put that on." Audrey said.
Jane slowly grabs the nail polish and glances outside.
"The sky isn't bothering you?" Jane asked.
"No, Mal and her gang is handling and so far Mal has been able to handle every evil adventure that has ever happened so I have no doubt in her that she'll fixed this . . . madness." Audrey said.
"Hm." Was all Jane said.
She began to paint her nails when she saw a shadow in the corner of her eye. She jumped and accidentally painted some of her flesh. She looked up and saw Harry Hook at the sink. She was relieved to see that it was him.
"Why isn't Harry with them?" Jane asked, looking at Harry while wiping her skin free from nail polish.
"He's a VK and we're AKS so for extra protection we have . . . him." Audrey said, blowing her nails dry.
She was already done painting her nails while Jane only had four nails done. What?! Audrey looks at Jane.
"Here let me help you." Audrey said.
Jane put her hand out towards Audrey. Audrey begin to paint Janes nails but then with a blink of an eye the two girls were gone. Harry's eyes widen with panic.
"Girls?" Harry said.
No answer.
"Girls!" Harry yelled.
Still no answer. Where did they go? He has to find them before something bad happens to them! So Harry ran out Fairy Cottage and ran towards Mals castle.

When Uma saw Quadra castle she was amazed.
"Why all the VKS with royalty have best looking places?" Uma asked.
"We're royalty and royalty never makes a mistake." Evie said, walking past Uma.
Morgan came to Umas side.
"The homes underwater is so much better." Morgan said before catching up to the rest of the VKS. Uma shrugged with agreement. She then walked up to Morgan and stood behind him while Quade opened the door to his castle. When he opened the door the VKS invaded the entrance, but something pushed them. They all looked at Uma.
"What?" Uma asked.
"Did you just push us in?" Morgan asked.
Uma looks behind her like someone was there.
"No, I was pushed as well." Uma said.
The door that was still open slammed shut and locked itself.
"Are we stuck in here?" Evie asked walking towards the door. She wiggles the door handle.
"No." Quade said, taking off his red leather jacket. "My mom is super lazy, she's used to her cards doing all the work but now since she gave them to me and were useless on this rock she had a peasant to install hacks in the castle to where things somewhat operate on their own."
"And even if we are stuck in here we have Quades bedroom window we can hope out of." Scarlet said.
Quade smiles at Scarlet as he hangs his coat on a tall brown coat hanger. Quade lead the VKS deeper into the castle. There lots of paintings of  The Queen of Hearts and The Prince of Hearts, along with red, gold, white, and black objects (and sometimes Mal thought she wore too much purple). Quade takes the VKS to a long oddly shaped hallway full of doors. There were doors on the ceiling and doors on the floor. Doors in corners, doors pretty much everywhere.
"Now at least five of these are closets so pick one and try to find that golden jacket." Quade said. "And fair warning my mom was starting to have a thing for gold clothes until she decided that red matched her skin tone very well."
"So basically there will be a lot of gold clothing in her wardrobe?" Morgan asked.
Quade nods.
"Alright!" Jay said, clapping his hands. "What are we waiting for let's get to looking!"

Audrey and Jane were tied together with bags over their heads. Laveena walked over to the girls and took the bags off their heads.
"Hello ladies." Laveena said.
"What do you want with us?" Audrey asked, trying to free her wrists.
"Oh nothing." Laveena replies.
"So then let us go!" Audrey says.
"I don't think so."
"Look I never disliked you, I'm a good person, I mean I fell in love with a VK, which means that I don't judge people because I'd I did I wouldn't be dating Carlos and-" 
"Jane, shut up!" Laveena yells.
"Ooh, temper." Jafar said with a chuckle.
Audrey heads Jafar and she looks around. She sees all the villains that are surrounding her. She screamed.
"Look Jane might not judge but I do and I don't want to say anything that might hurt these villains feelings so please let me go." Audrey said after calming down (not much).
"Hey!" Jane said. "What about me?"
"Well you don't judge so she can keep you until her evil plan is stomped on by Mal and the gang." Audrey explained.
Laveenas ears perked up when Audrey mentioned Mal.
"You know Mals plan." Laveena said.
"What! No I don't!" Audrey says.
"Then why did you bring up Mal and her gang?"
Audrey was silent.
"Well it seems like Jane is the only one who could leave as of now." Laveena said.
Janes face lit up.
"So I'm free to go?!" She asked excited.
"No!" Laveena said. "You're both here to help defeat Mal and her crew."
Audrey whined. Why did she have to bring up Mal?

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