Chapter Thrity-Four

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Audrey was squirming in the rope she (and the others) were in.
"Audrey stop squirming!" Mal said sounding uncomfortable.
"I can't because if you haven't noticed I am about to be eel food in the next three feet!" Audrey said. "I don't know about you but I value my life!"
"I think we all do." Jane said.
"Well I'm the only one that's a princess here!" Audrey said trying to make herself feel good.
"Uh, I'm a queen." Mal said.
"Yeah and so am I." Uma said.
Meanwhile Laveena was looking at Auradon waiting for something good to happen. She was growing impatient.
"My Queen I-" Captain Hook said before being cut off by Laveena.
She knew what he was going to say. She stopped looking at Auradon and turned to the pirates.
"Drop them." Laveena demanded.
"Yes your majesty!" Mr. Smee said.
He ran over to the rope that was holding Mal and the other up. He grabbed a sword from a barrel nearby and cut the rope.
"No!" Audrey yelled.
Water filled their boots. They were expecting teeth to be digging into their skin by now but they only felt the cold tiny waves against their skin. They were all confused. Mal opened her closed eyes and realized that the eels were swimming away. Huh. Mals eyes turned green and she turned into a dragon, which broke the rope she and the others were tied with.
Mal swam up to the surface and flew out of the water, roaring. Laveena looked up into the sky and saw Mal.
"No!" Laveena yelled.
Mal smiles. She then sees Morgan with his hand in the water and his eyes were glowing a neon blue (they almost match the color of the water except his eyes were a brighter blue). Mal landed on the deck of Captain Hooks ship and turned into a human.
"Looks like you failed did you wanna try again?" Mal asked.
"Except with your second round you will be the one tied up." Uma said, using her tentacles to climb up the ship.
She had Audrey, Jane, and her friends in her other tentacles. She sat them on the ship and jumped back in the water. She used her necklace to turn back into a human. Laveena groaned.
"Well don't just stand there you stupid pirates, get them!" Laveena yelled.
The pirates yelled and drew their swords. Audrey squealed. The pirates then start to attack the VKS and Jane. Since Jane watched R. O. A. R team practice she knew how to wield a shield and fight. She was very impressed with herself when she threw a pirate overboard.
"Harry, save me!" Audrey yelled.
Harry pushed Audrey behind him. He slowly backed up into a corner. He opened a door and threw Audrey in there. She screamed as he closed the door.
"Stay in there!" Harry said.
Harry grabbed a sword from the ground and started fighting a pirate. Meanwhile, Jay, Carlos, Evie, Morgan, Quade, Scarlet, Celia, and Evie were entering the ships deck. Evie ran to Mal.
"Hey are you okay?" Evie asked.
A pirate swung his sword at the girls and Mal used her fire breath to melt the sword. The pirate looked at his melted sword and then looked at Mal.
"You're a demon!" He yelled timidly.
Mal smirks and the pirate runs away, screaming. Evie and Mal laughs. Evies stops laughing when she saw her mom.
"Mommy?" She mumbled, tilting her head.
"Hey that's it!" Celia said.
"Why don't you burn the ship down?" Celia said to Mal.
Mal and Evie looked at each other.
"I don't think that's a good idea." Mal said.
"But it's a start." Evie said.
Mal looked at Evie confused.
"Why don't we all get into a little group and you divide us from the pirates by making a wall of fire." Evie said.
Mal considered the idea and that's what the VKS do. When the news got to Harry he took Audrey out the room he threw her in and they all huddled up. Carlos was still fighting a pirate though. Mals through glowed red and fire shot out her mouth and she made a wall of fire. Laveena banged Jafars staff on the ground but it was loosing its power.
"No!" Laveena yelled.
The VKS and AKS jumped in the water and started swimming away.
"This isn't over Mal!" Laveena yelled. "This isn't over!"

When the VKS and AKS were back in Auradon Audrey and Jane went on to Rapunzels Hair Salon because Audreys long locks smelled of the sea and that is not how a princess should smell! Mal was squeezing out her blue and purple ombré colored hair when Evie walked up to her. Evie hugged Mal.
"Woah!" Mal said, laughing a little. "Is everything okay?"
"Are you okay?" Evie asked, not letting Mal go.
"Yeah?" Mal said.
"Then yes everything is okay." Evie said.
She started to tell Mal about her seeing her Mom on Laveenas side but she didn't, Mal already had a lot on her mind right now.
"But don't forget we still have to stop Laveena." Jay said.
Red lighting struck the sky and an evil chuckle replaced the sound of thunder.
"Oh, what did she do now?" Carlos asked, annoyed.
"I don't know." Mal said.
Mal turned into a dragon and soared into the air. She saw Queen Belle and King Adams castle. A magical gate was forming around the entire castle. Oh-no! Mal flew back down and changed back into a human.
"She has trapped Bens parents." Mal said.
"Oh-no!" Evie groaned.
"We have to get into that lamp and get that jewel to undo this madness!" Carlos said.
"Yeah and Uma and I need to go get that magical seashell." Morgan said.
"Right, so you guys go do that and we'll go find the jewel." Mal said. "Are we good?"
The VKS nodded.
"Good luck." Uma told the others as she walked off.
"Back to you." Mal said with a smile.

Uma and Morgan made it to the shore.
"So apparently only parts of the sea is populated with cobras so all we have to do is stay in the clear parts of the sea and we'll be fine." Uma said.
Morgan looked at Uma, his bracelet glowing.
"You ready?" He asked.
Uma smiles at him.
"Always." Uma said.
The two jumps in the water and turns into their octopus form. They swam down to the bottom of the sea. They heard singing. Looking at each other they frowned.
"You hear that?" Morgan and Uma whisper in unison.
"Yeah." They say in unison.
"It's sound like . . . mom." Uma said.
The voice seemed to get louder and clearer so the two cousins swam away and hid behind some seaweed. They were peeking through the seaweed to see who it was and it turned out to be Morgana. Morgan noticed that she had on a necklace as well. That's weird because she never wore a necklace! Morgana was picking flowers and putting them in a basket.
Morgana started humming and dancing and it took all of Uma not to laugh.
"Your mom is even more lame than mine." Uma whispered to Morgan.
Morgan smiles.
"Shh!" He said.
When Morgana was out of sight the two came out of hiding.
"Okay let's find your mom." Morgan said.
Uma scratches her head.
"Yeah and I have no idea where to start." Uma said.

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