𝟬𝟬𝟵 valley of the dolls

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chapter ninevalley of the dolls

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chapter nine
valley of the dolls


          Let the record show that Izzy Windsor did not believe in love

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          Let the record show that Izzy Windsor did not believe in love. She thought it was something you'd only find in the movies or a hundred years ago. It didn't exist in the twenty-first century. It had died with the roaring twenties and been turned into a propaganda scam. The people who still believed in it were either brainless hopeless romantics or too stubborn to admit the truth. Izzy knew the truth, though. She had known it for a long time now.

          You see, her parents had raised her in an environment where love lacked. Never once had she ever heard her father tell her he loved her (she wasn't sure if he actually did anyway), and he never once kissed his wife or asked how her day had been. That always got Julia going. She was always pissed at him for not being the husband he swore to be. They were always fighting. Never once did they have a good moment; there were only bad moments in the Windsor household.

          But Izzy grew up thinking that was normal. She grew up thinking love meant lots and lots of hardships. The more they yelled, the more Izzy suspected they loved each other. But that quickly changed when she realized her parents' relationship wasn't normal.

         Izzy was twelve when she realized her life wasn't normal and love didn't exist.

          Her father had come home from one of his business trips and it wasn't long after he arrived that he got into an argument with his wife. Izzy didn't know what had happened and at the time, she didn't care. This was normal for Izzy. So, she put in her headphones and blasted her music to tune out their voices. But then she made a mistake. She took out her headphones too soon and overheard the real reason for her parents' frequent arguments . . . and not surprisingly, it was all her father's fault.

          Just like many cowardly men before him, William Windsor had cheated on his wife. And he had been cheating on her long before Izzy was even born . . . but his newest scandal went beyond one-night stands. That was when Izzy realized love didn't exist. If it did, then her father wouldn't have cheated on her mother. He wouldn't have emotionally abused his wife for years and years and years and then blamed all his problems on her. He wouldn't have done that. Love wasn't supposed to be that way.

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