𝟬𝟮𝟰 the boy saw the comet

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chapter twenty-fourthe boy saw the comet

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chapter twenty-four
the boy saw the comet


          Isadora Windsor wished there was a way to check out of reality for just a second

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Isadora Windsor wished there was a way to check out of reality for just a second. Maybe then if she got one tiny break she could finally find peace. Maybe then she wouldn't be so fucking tired. (And maybe if she slept at all that night she wouldn't be tired at all, but . . . how could she sleep after all that had happened?) But in all honesty, she was just tired of being tired. But that wasn't the point. The point was: she was tired of everyone dying or leaving her. And she knew she had no right to be upset about Sheriff Peterkin being shot, because, honestly, she didn't even know the woman, but she couldn't help but spend the night curled up in the seat and think about what had happened. She knew it wasn't the best way to deal with all the shit going on in her life right now, but she couldn't stop herself from fixating on the woman's death and dwelling on it.

Death was just a weird concept for the girl to grasp. Sure, she got it, but she hated it. It just reminded her too much of her mother, and that always sucked. It reminded her of the blood which stained her mother's skin, and the open wounds that cut deep in the woman's mangled body. She fucking hated it. And she was tired of being forced to remember all that shit.

She thought things were looking up. And while they were in a way, she was in more trouble than she had ever been and she didn't know how to handle that. Another person had died, and she had known the boy who took Peterkin's life. That was perhaps the part that got her. It was the fact that she had known Rafe all her life, and then he had just suddenly done this.

And on top of that, the Camerons had framed John B for the crime, which just fucking sucked. Not to mention . . . she had no idea what her father thought or what he was doing. Maybe he had already gotten on another plane and fled town. She wouldn't be surprised. But honestly, she didn't know what to think. Fuck, was all she could manage.

Izzy tried to push those thoughts away as her eyes fluttered open that morning. She thought back to the night before, and dread filled her. You see, last night, Kiara had parked the car by an abandoned shed and decided that was enough to conceal them from wandering eyes. So they slept there, but Izzy hadn't slept the entire night . . . mostly because trying to share a seat with JJ had proven to be harder than she thought (by that she meant he kept moving in his sleep and it was pissing her off). So not only was she tired of all this bullshit, but she was also actually just tired tired.

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