Character introduction

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This story begins as an Instagram story with a few POV but around chapter 28 it becomes mainly POV with some Instagram x

Harry styles (@harrystyles)
Louis fanboy, popular on Instagram
Openly gay

Louis Tomlinson (@louist91)
In One Direction
Closeted gay

Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik
@niallhoran @liampayne @zayn
Louis band mates and best friends

Eleanor Calder (@eleanorc)
(She's nice in this fic lmao)
Harry's best friend

All of Louis and Harry's family and the same as in real life

This is my second Instagram story but this one will include POV and text messages too unlike the other one so it's a little more detailed and much more interesting imo. Hope you enjoy 💘 K

This took me from 12am to 5am but worth it lmao.

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