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Harry POV
Louis wakes up and I just can't wait to ask him if he wants to stay with me for a little. I show him the texts off my mum instead of asking because I'm too nervous to say anything. "Haz id love to, I really really would but I've got tour for another month yet starting in 3 days" he says. Not the response I wanted. I sit there in silence until Louis says "what if you join me on the rest of tour?"
"Wait.. what?" I ask shocked
"Yeah, it starts in 3 days so we could leave here today, stay at your mums and then leave for tour for a month. Haz it would be perfect" he smiles. And honestly, I couldn't think of anything better. I don't even have the words to answer so I just kiss him. Not only was it the best idea but Louis came up with it and wanted to meet my mum which made my heart burst.

Louis POV
We spend 3 days at Harry's Mums house and we get on so well. I also enjoyed staying in the same bed as Harry for 3 nights but we won't mention that part. But now we had to go back on tour but I had Harry with me.

Liked by louist91, harrystyles and 890,772 others@annetwist these pair😍

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Liked by louist91, harrystyles and 890,772 others
@annetwist these pair😍

@louist91 thank you for a lovely few days!❤️
@annetwist you're more than welcome sweetheart. Come back soon please! Xx
@louist91 I'm sure I'll see you soon☺️xx

@larrystylinson THIS IS TOO MUCH

@larryship ASFYSYAUEBJKD !!!!!

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