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Liked by louist91, Liampayne and 1,672,902 others@harrystyles i can't sleep

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Liked by louist91, Liampayne and 1,672,902 others
@harrystyles i can't sleep

@louist91 me neither :(
@harrystyles I know, you won't leave me alone x
@louist91 shutup, you love it😜x

@louisbaby pretty
@harrystyles thanks !
@louisbaby 🥺

@mrsstyles I can't😍😍😍😍😭😭😭😭

Boo bear🙈

How are you so fucking hot
and so cute at the same time?x

Thanks beautiful boo bear x

One week until I see your
gorgeous face x

Oh trust me I'm more excited
to see yours😍x

I'm excited to hear your voice x

Call me then x

What? X

Call me babe x

Louis POV
Harry and I spoke on the phone for around 3 hours. We never ran out of things to say. And his voice is unreal. Especially more because he's sleepy. I had to kind of sort myself out after wards it was so hot.

Harry POV
Hearing Louis voice was just amazing. He's just so fucking hot. It was so easy to talk to eachother and there was never any awkward silence. We agreed to call eachother every night.

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