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Harry POV
It is now the day before I see Louis. My stomach is filled with butterflies. Eleanor is staying the night and we're leaving at around 12 tomorrow as were going to sign into our hotel get lunch before the show.

Liked by harrystyles, niallhoran and 2,672,892 others@louist91 one more day

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Liked by harrystyles, niallhoran and 2,672,892 others
@louist91 one more day

@harrystyles can't wait x
@louist91 neither can I x
@liampayne cute

@larryship 😭😭😭😭

@tommoxx 😍😍🥺🥺

Boo bear🙈

That post was very cute
Mr Tomlinson x

Surprised myself Curly x

But it's tomorrow 🥺x

I am so excited Haz x

I'm going to get some sleep ready
for tomorrow. See your beautiful
face soon x

Good night handsome.
See you tomorrow x

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