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A/N this is a longish one and one of my faves

Harry POV
Today is the day. I'm going to meet Louis. Now it's here I feel physically sick and so so nervous but also still excited that I'm going to see him. It's 1:30 and we're pulling into the car park of our hotel to check in and then going for lunch at Bella Italia.

We've finished our meals and we're going to the stadium early so that the security guard can take us up to our box. We go round the back entrance and show the security guard the code word that Louis and told us so that he knew it was the right person. He takes us inside and we head up to the box. We're inside around half an hour earlier than everyone else. It hits me that I'm in the same building as Louis and I'm going to see him perform and that after this is done in going to actually meet him. He also gave us the box closest to the stage and will be able to see me which makes me feel so nervous. I send him a photo so he knows I'm here.

Louis POV
Harry sent me a photo so I knew he was here. I also purposefully gave him the closest box to the stage so that I have a good view of him. I'm so nervous and scared that I'll fuck things up between us by being shy. The boys encourage me and give me a small confidence boost.

We all head out onto the stage and the screams become even louder. It's the best feeling in the world. I immediately look up at Harry's box. There he is. Wow. I stare up at him and the fans scream ever louder again. Clearly they know he's there, this could be a bit of fun.

I sing a few songs while looking up at Harry and the fans love it. Management will kill me no doubt but I really don't care anymore. I'm happy.

It gets to our last song and the nerves start again. I'm going to actually meet harry in about 5 minutes.

Harry POV
Just before the end of the last song, the security guards comes and takes us to backstage. We sit and wait in a room which I assume is their dressing room and it has 4 vanity tables and lots of clothing racks. Eleanor and I sit on the sofa and I am nearly sick with nerves.
"It'll be fine harry, stop worrying" she tells me.
Before I can reply the door flies open and in walks Niall, Liam, Zayn and then Louis. I think my heart actually stops beating.
"Harry" Louis says and hugs me. We stay like this for a while until Liam says "alright you two" jokingly. We sit down on the sofa for a while and chat back and forth for a good 2 hours. The conversation flows so well and it feels like we've known eachother forever. Zayn and Eleanor seemed to get in pretty well too.
"We need a selfie Mr" louis says and pokes my cheek.
So we do exactly that.

Liked by harrystyles, eleanorc and 2,378,790 others@louist91 look who came to see me🙈

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Liked by harrystyles, eleanorc and 2,378,790 others
@louist91 look who came to see me🙈

@harrystyles 🙈🙈🙈

@lottietom Nawhh this is cute

@larrystylinson EXCUSE ME WHAT

@larryship I AM NOT OK RN

Louis POV
Harry has been here around 3 hours and we need to leave the venue now. I didn't want to let Harry go because I still had a month of tour left and I didn't know when I'd see him again. I am sure that I'm ready for something to happen between us and I can't let him go. "Who wants to go out in town tonight then?" I ask. Thinking that I can tell harry how I feel more privately and have a little more confidence when I'm drunk. Everyone agrees to go out including Harry and Eleanor so we get the car the take us straight there.

We spent the first hour having shots and just getting drunk which honestly didn't take long between the 6 of us. We were all dancing on the dance floor and just having a good time but I decided just to tell harry how I felt right then. As Harry and I are dancing I get closer to him and say "Ive had the best night tonight"
"Me too. Thanks boo bear" he smirked. He calls me that on text but hearing him say it out loud had my stomach in knots.
"I like you Haz, I really do"
"Well it's a good job I feel the same way" he says
Without hesitation I place my hands up around his neck and he automatically wraps his around my waist. I place my lips on his and they fit perfectly. The kiss deepens and starts to get pretty steamy. Knowing that we're in public I pull away and say "I don't want you to go"
"Stay the night in my hotel, please" he begs. I didn't even think twice before I went to tell the boys I was leaving and Harry went to tell Eleanor. Turns out that Eleanor and Zayn we're getting close so she didn't need the hotel room anyway.

As we walk outside, there are paps everywhere asking us a million questions. I tell harry not to worry and take his hand in mine, walking to the car.

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