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Harry POV
It was the next morning after a passionate night. Louis and I slept about 3 hours in total and when we weren't in bed we were in the shower or the sofa, even the floor. We just couldn't get enough of eachother. I woke up first and spent about 10 minutes just lying there, staring at Louis and taking in all of his features. Wondering how I got so lucky. I then look at my phone and open Instagram, and it is full of notifications from being tagged in pap picks and lots of messages of fan accounts. I look through the photos and see one that I actually love so decide to upload it to Instagram.

Liked by niallhoran, liampayne and 1,908,789 others@harrystyles who needs a photographer when you've got the paps

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Liked by niallhoran, liampayne and 1,908,789 others
@harrystyles who needs a photographer when you've got the paps

@niallhoran cuties
@harrystyles he's still asleep

@louisbaby hi harry I know we don't talk anymore but I'm so happy for you x
@harrystyles ☺️

@larrystylinson OMG OMG OMG

@Annetwist lovely Harry x text me please😍
@harrystyles thanks mum🙈🙈


You and Louis Tomlinson
are you together? Xx

Not quite mum. Just getting
to know eachother xx

Well he seems like a lovely
boy Harry. And you look
good on each others arm xx

Thanks mum🙈 he really is
so lovely xx

Why don't you invite him
to stay with us for a while? Xx

Seriously? You'd let me
do that? Xx

Yes of course my love! I
want to meet the boy! Xx

He's sleeping right now
but when he wakes up I'll
let you know. You're the best
Mum I love you😭xx

I love you more my darling xx

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