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Sometimes the heart can't take anymore. It gets to a point where it needs to heal, take a break, and rest. Just like we do after a long day at work, or after a stressful time in life.

My heart needed to heal.

It became a shattered mess, broken into small fragments. Some pieces - only the smallest ones - still allowed me to smile and laugh occasionally but, mostly, I was left with a continuing ache, breathless pains, and an overall dull view on life.

Now, my heart has healed. The pieces are miraculously fixing back together. Like a puzzle; you reach into the box, fetch all the pieces, organise the important ones (like the edges), and then make a slow start putting them together. That's what he did to my broken pieces. He used his power of love to fix all those broken parts, and make me whole again. And I did him too. Together we fixed each other.

I found true love, when I didn't think I could again.

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