@ New York

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Percy's POV

I meet up with the others outside my cabin, they give me a weird look probably asking why is she here but I ignore them. Ok guys I say see you there I grab her arm and we disappear into water molecules. It was the strangest feeling, yet it felt so normal for me. We arrived at the front doorstep of my mum's apartment Thalia, Nico and Jason were already there waiting for us. How'd you get her faster I asked Thalia just laughed and said "one person versus two people travelling how dumb are you" I shook my head and told them to follow me as I walked inside. Now my mother is the best person in the world she recently got engaged to Paul he was a good guy I told him who I truly was and he didn't even question it, I think at the beginning he was like nah u guys are joking but when blackjack my Pegasus left hoof prints on his car I think that's what made him believe I wasn't joking. I open the door and let my friends in, MUUUUUMMMM I yell "in her Percy" she yells "I had a felling u were coming today so I made cookies" at this point I sprint to the kitchen and grab a cookie, before I could get one she pulls the tray away and says " I need a hug before u can have one I haven't seen you in like a year she pulls me into a bone crushing hug "oh Gods you have changed" I look down at myself self-conscious I guess I have changes I was no longer the pudgy little boy she let go almost 6 years ago I had been through hell mentally, physically and literally. I swipe a cookie before remembering everyone else is standing there to. Right mum lots to fill u in on Hecate did something that made me remember u telling me about your school when I was younger. Mum's face fell "ok kids ill bring these into the living room, I need to explain something".

 sorry trying to make chapters longer:)

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