What is to Come

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Thalia's POV

Have you ever had the feeling when a moment was going to well and you just know that something horrible was going to happen next, well it happened to me and lets just say from there on things got so much worse. Right I said now that that's over, Hecate would you please help us figure out what is coming next as I have a bad feeling that was the warmup act. She looked at me and all she said was Iris message, then vanished. She was summoned back to Olympus after her cover was blown Sev explained. Ok I said Percy giant wall of mist right here I said gesturing in a line across the hall, Jason ball of light please and Luna I assume you have a crystal, she grinned and pulled one out of her pocket. Jason had created a ball of light, well technically electricity but it still created a heck of a lot of light. Percy was standing in the middle of the room and had his eyes closed, the water from all the goblets around the room was coming together in one big blob which Percy held in his hands. Then he threw it up and pulled his hands apart, this caused a giant screen of mist to appear he locked into place then walked up to us. Right I said teachers If you want to see this you are going to have to be on this side of the mist, I turn towards my friends Drachma please. Piper eventually finds one and its handed up to me. Oh Iris Goddess of the rainbow show us what the threat is, I chucked the Drachma into the mist and it changed.

 I saw Jason and Percy fighting Otis and Ephiatles the giants under Rome, both of their clothes were ripped, and they had many injuries. We saw Piper feeding Nico ambrosia as he had just come out of his death trance. Percy was keeping Otis from re forming by swirling his ashes in a whirl pool while he and Jason fought the other one. The wizards started muttering among themselves. The scene changed to Percy and Annabeth running away from something in Tartarus, A voice boomed out SEA SPAWN I CAN SMELL YOU, YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS CAN'T HIDE. I glance over and Percy and Annabeth look as white as a sheet. Again, the scene changes to Jason and Percy underwater, Jason has a mini tornado around him fighting Polyboltes while Percy's lay trapped under a net choking on poison. The scene shifted again, this one was truly horrifying Percy and Annabeth covered in the death mist slicing the chains that tied the doors of death. Before the mist burnt away leaving them defenseless in a horde of monsters, then Tartarus took a Physical form to try and kill them we saw the fight we saw there emotional goodbye with Bob and Damsen, we saw the struggle they had keeping the doors closed before they spilt out onto the ground in the house of Hades in Greece. Annabeth's legs had given out on her and she collapsed onto the floor bringing Percy with her. Her sobs could be heard around the entire great hall. It changed to Athens when the seven of them were in a circle surrounded by giants, hopelessly out numbered. Then the Iris message cut to an army of monsters and people in black hoods marching towards the school at night, the moon shinning light down on them. The Message cut out, everyone silent except Annabeth's sobs.

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