Stories Of Broken People

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Percy's POV

I never thought I would have to relive that. Annabeth's whole body was shaking when she sobbed. I held he stunned with the new revelation. The predictions in Divination were correct Thalia and Nico meet their siblings again and I was to face my greatest foe. Tartarus. I stood up and faced my friends, Guys we can't face him I I...... won't put us through that, I can't, not again. My voice cracked as I held back from curling up in a ball and crying from the memories. My throat was tight like I couldn't speak, my stomach felt like it was on fire like if we were back there drinking the river Phlegethon again. Thalia and Nico came up and held my arms I think the knew I was going to collapse. I looked around at my friends they looked shocked at what we had been through in Tartarus. I realised all the wizards had seen that as well we could hear a few people crying, what they had seen was literally hell and its spawn. Sev walked toward Dumbledore and muttered something, then came towards Annabeth and I. look he said people are very confused right now, I know it will be bad for you but please they need to know your whole story. Annabeth and I exchanged fearful looks, it was silent for a moment before I sighed and said ok. But only on two conditions, yes Sev said. I turned towards Annabeth and said we will not be re watching what we went through with the seven, and you should consider sending out the first and second years when we fall into Tartarus they shouldn't be put through that. Right said Sev I'll ask Dumbledore. Within minutes he came back and said set it up. I got to my feet shakily, The ball of light had gone out so Jason made another one I put the mist back up feeling a familiar tug in my gut. Oh Iris Goddess of the rainbow please accept our offering and show us my quests of the first great prophecy. The mist shimmered and we watched. The wizards witnessed my quest to the underworld to retrieve my mother, only to leave her behind to save the world from being ripped apart, they saw as I travelled across the oceans without permission to save my friend and save Thalia. They saw Thalia, Annabeth and I protecting Nico and Bianca at West over hall, Annabeth falling of the cliff and me failing to save her. We saw as Bianca, Zoe, Grover, Thalia and I journey west, as we lose Bianca to the robot and I have to hold the sky to save Annabeth and Artemis but fail to save Zoe. They witnessed me blowing up a school, going into the labyrinth finding Nico and Daedalus, the battle of the Labyrinth.  I'm back on Luke's cruise ship we see Beckendorf telling me there's no delay on the explosion before he sacrificed himself for the greater good. They witness my journey to the river Styx, my fight with Hades. They see the heartbreak of the battle of Manhattan seeing many friends lose their lives. The mist shuts off and I put it back up but hand the drachma to Jason before addressing my friends, I said please don't treat us like damaged people once you have seen the stuff we've been through. Annabeth and I left the room.

 I know I have already done one of these chapters but this time I wanted to focus on the pain that they went through. 

Hope you guys are enjoying. :)

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