Chap 1

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A/n: hai so thx for reading this. I just want to let you know the bold is me talking and this is your thoughts.

You just finished watching the movie Onward for about the 26th.... billion time, heh you really loved it and you'd always cry at the end.

You check the time on your phone 8:30
Eh I could waste a couple minutes you though and went on TikTok (yes you have TikTok p.s you have 10.k followers) yeah a few minuets turned into a few hours and you grew tired, your eyelids heavy and you trudged to your room and plopped on your bed (still in your jeans and t-shirt) fell asleep.

2 hours later

Just as you were about to fall into a deep sleep you thought you did that falling thing (it sucks). You woke up in... well you weren't sure
where you were but your bed was gone       and you were just falling into an infinite void of darkness. Convinced that it was a dream you tried to go back to sleep but of course you failed.

The last thing you remember before everything went black again was two boys running towards you, but they didn't look like normal boys they were.... blue?

2 weeks later.

"Ugh" you said waking up and holding your head in pain you heard muffled talking out side of the door it sounded like two boys they sounded... oddly familiar. It gave you a headache to even try to listen in, so you mainly focused on your sight... everything was blurry with black spots dancing around.

You were terrified not only could you barely hear and see anything but you where in a total stranger's house! As much as you wanted to run away and go home... you physically couldn't your whole body was numb it was like sleep paralysis. (I've never had sleep paralysis sorry if that's wrong).

After calming down a little and being able to hear and see again, the door opens. A tall blue (?) boy walks in and sighs.

You feel awful. What if he's taking care of you, what if he hates you, what if-

"Your awake?!" The mysterious boy said. "Yeah"...

Ok I know this is super short so sorry I will be updating 1 once a day but A/Ns don't count :b Also I did not make the cover that masterpiece was by auveiss on DeviantArt!!!!!!!!! I found the image on Pinterest!!!!

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