Chapter four

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"O-oh hey Barley, w-why don't you come join us?"

Barleys POV:

"That I shall do fair maiden" I replied and sat next to her... she giggled man I could listen to that laugh all day.

"Soooo what where you guys talking about?" I asked. "O-oh we where just talking about our most recent adventure you know when we did the spell to get dad back for a day"

"Ah yes, our most exciting adventure yet!" I replied.

Your perspective

Ian continued to tell me about their adventure, with Barley cutting in at some points to give more detail.

Although normally a shy girl myself I seem to find myself... comfortable around them.
(Irl I'm rlly shy don't @ me XD)

"And that was it... that's where our adventure ended" Ian finished.

Although already knowing what happened, you felt guilty for being lost in your own thoughts instead of paying attention.

"Hey (y/n) if it's alright with you shall you accompany me on a walk around town?" Barley asked, I already knew my answer.

"Let me put on my shoes" I said running to my roo- the storage room.

Small time skip brought to you by barley playing Quests of Yore.

I just finished putting on my (f/c) and (2f/c) shoes and currently going to find barley.

"Barley!" I yelled gaining his attention from the doorway.

"Ah, I see that the fair maiden is ready to go?" He asked in more of a question than a statement.

"Mmh!" I responded.

"Good! We shall be off now in my trusty steed(?)!" He said

We both walked to and inside Guinevere the Second (I think 😳😅😰)

"So where shall we head to know fair maiden?" He asked.

"Anywhere" I replied.

Time skip cuz Author-Chan is lazy

"So that was the town..any questions"
he asked.

"Nope" I replied popping the p.

>:3       Go oN KeEp ScRoLLinG

Ayyyyyy I'm not dead :b ok I may continue 😅 (me reading the first chapter again because I legit forgot like 👁👄👁 )

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