Chap 2

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You feel awful. What if he's taking care of you, what if he hates you, what if-

"Your awake?!" The mysterious boy said. "Yeah"...

"Yeah"... your throat hurt like hell, but now you realize that your right ankle hurt worse. You started to cry when you moved your foot.

Your ankle was swollen, bleeding, and badly bruised.

"Whoa whoa hey don't move your foot that much" the man said. Now that you've gotten a good look at him you realize that the man is... wait what?! Barley Lightfoot?

"Where am I" you asked in a panic.
"Hey it's ok... your in Mushroomton ok?". You still did not believe that you were in a CARTOON! "Oh um here let me get you some water" he said and he left.

He returned not even two minutes later with a glass of water in his hand. "Here" he said as he handed you the glass, with a sad smile on his face. You sat up to drink your water. You had to know... just for sure. "Who are you" you asked after you finished.

"Oh my bad, my names Barley Lightfoot."

You sigh.

"Do you by any chance know how I got here?" You ask.

"I'm afraid I don't all I saw was you plummeting out of the sky... do you remember anything?" He said. "I- All I can remember Is playing on my phone  then going to bed." You said. "Hey" you said "what's the date?". "Oh it's (date)" he said.
"What but like yesterday it was (date 2 weeks earlier)". You said confused.

Barley scratches the back of his neck.

"Yeah you've been out for a while" he said awkwardly.

Your eyes widen two whole weeks! no I've gotta call home. You reach into your back pocket for your phone. Then slap your hand to your forehead realizing it's on your nightstand charging.

You start to cry.

Another short one... ugh I want to make them longer but honestly I just can't think heh 😅. Sorry I didn't update yesterday.

Confused- barleyxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now