Chap 3

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..,realizing it's on your night stand charging.

You started to cry.

Barley stands up awkwardly. Not knowing what to do for you, until he gives you a awkward pat pat on your shoulder. (the pat pat was not your thoughts). "Hey, hey it's alright" he said trying to make you feel better. "Thank you" you thought at the fact of him trying to make you feel better.

2 days later.

You started to feel better, you where walking around, met Ian and Ms. Lightfoot although she prefers you to call her Laurel.

But you still feel like your imposing on the Lightfoots. So after every meal you wash the dishes and once a day you clean the living room. You learned more about barley stuff that, of coarse you didn't already know.

You learned how to play Quests of Yore (oh mah goash I'm so sorry if that's not what it's called). You learned that his dad died in a car accident. And honestly you started to develop feelings for him.

You felt stupid. It's been two friggin days and you already like a cartoon character.

You sigh, you also miss home you wonder how your mothers doing what about your dad and b/f (best friend).

You where staying in the storage room they set up an air mattress and moved some stuff to the attic.

Barley's POV.

"Damnit barley" I thought you've known her for two days! How can you possibly like her.

I walk to the living room to see y/n and Ian talking about something I can't quite hear what their saying. But he seemed to tell her something funny because she laughed.

Their was something burning in me... something about me hated to see them together... but they where just talking.

"O-oh hey Barley. w-why don't you come join us?".

Hey guys! Wow-zers it sure has been a LONG time! Sorry my dog died, I took some time off and completely forgot about it, and your probably mad at me 'cause I make all the chapters so short 😅 sorry! But feel free to comment questions and/or thoughts about this story! Is this story good? Does it suck? Should I delete it? I don't know it's up to you 😅. Is it all going to fast idk you decide.

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