Chapter seven (final)

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(Waring feelz sorta) Two months later

Currently you where in your room reading a book when you herd a knock.

"Come in" you said and the door opened. "Hey babe?" Barley said. "Yes love?" you replied. You had stared using nicknames about a month ago.

"I'm gonna head to the store real quick mom is at work (does she have a job idk) Ian's at a friends place and I have to pick up some stuff for mom I'll be right back, ok?" Barley said

"Ok" you answered not really paying attention anymore. Then Barley went off on his quest.

Time skip one hour later you had finished your book and where extremely board. So you decided to go on a walk besides you didn't really know much about this town.

Before heading off on your quest you decide to write Barley a note. Went on a walk be back a 4:00 pm love you! You put it on the table and went off.

Le time skip

Barleys POV

I got home and checked the time 3:30. "(Y/n)?" I called out... no response I looked at the table and saw a note I picked it up and read it... Went on a walk be back a 4:00 pm love you!. This made me feel slightly better.

"I'll call her... just to make sure she's alright" I said to myself.

I called her... no answer I tried 13 more times... nothing

Your POV

:-:Backwards time skip 30 mins earlier:-:

I checked the time as I was walking down the sidewalk 3:00 huh maybe I'll even beat barley home I thought as I put my phone in my pocket. I needed to cross the road... I looked both ways... all clear I stared to walk...

Then I saw a car going at insanely high speeds... and before I could run away... I was run over... left their to die... pain was all I felt then, suddenly I gently as if I was in a dream I didn't need food or water then my senses stared to go one by one.

My whole life flashed before my eyes and I flew into a large white light... I was gone


The end

But on a completely and utterly unrelated note YAY WE HIT 1K READS TYSM!!!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU

Confused- barleyxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now