Chapter 1

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" Jay...what's taking you so long" my mother yells.
"Ill be down in a sec.. just makin sure I've got everything." I said
Right, well hurry we don't wanna catch traffic.
We later arrive at the airport where I said goodbye to my parents as they cried with smiling faces.
I called Daniel to remind him that I'm boarding the plane and arriving in 2 hours.
" can't wait to see you lil sis... have a safe trip"
Thanks... well i gotta go bye! I said excitedly

I arrived at LAX airport feeling tired and gross. So, I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I ended up even changing into this outfit which I knew my overprotective brothers wouldn't be okay with. But I thought Let's piss them off only once HAHA.
Here's what i wore...

I quickly rushed out of the bathroom with my bags and headed to the baggage carousel to grab my luggage when I see a very familiar face in the crowd

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I quickly rushed out of the bathroom with my bags and headed to the baggage carousel to grab my luggage when I see a very familiar face in the crowd. So, I grabbed my luggage and walked towards them as they began waving at me. It was Christian and Tyler.
AAAHHHH my brothers!!! I screamed and ran into Christians arms.
Christian has always been my favorite brother since Daniel and Tyler were my bullies.
We said our hellos and headed towards the exit as Tyler tells me about random stuff about his life in Cali which I kinda stopped listening to after a while. We finally got in the car and headed to Daniels house while Christian starts telling me something that Daniel never mentioned.
" So.. Daniel told me to tell you to not be mad but your gonna be living with 4 other guys plus him."
WHAT... Your joking right. I say in a shocked voice. Christian and Tyler both said 'nope' at the same time.
" great" i said in a nervous but kinda angry way.
We pull up to to Daniel and his friends house and my face went pale. " no way... Daniel lives here." I said pinching myself to see if it was a dream. Woahhh..

We walked to the door with excited faces and hear Daniel screaming and running to open the door

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We walked to the door with excited faces and hear Daniel screaming and running to open the door.
" JAYYY you made it !!! Ive missed you so much" he hugs me as tight as possible and i try not to pass out.
'I missed you too Daniel... but when did to get this house brother like wow!'
" well if I wanna live with my band, ill need a big house... right?" He joked and started showing me around the house.
I'm kinda surprised that he didnt say anything bad about what I was wearing but maybe he just grew out of that overprotective phase.
" this is your forever room." He says in a funny little voice
'Your kidding' i said as my eyes open wider.

" He says in a funny little voice'Your kidding' i said as my eyes open wider

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'Thank you sooooo much' I said to Daniel.
" no prob lil sis"
Lots of Footsteps approached the room as Daniel band friends come in.
" Hey guys this is my sister, Jay." he says as I continue to look through my new room.
" hey I'm Jonah. This is Corbyn, Zach, and Jack."
" oh hey..." i stopped and turned around and looked at them. One of the boys really caught my eyes tho. I couldnt do anything but smile.
" so these are the friends that you live with.. cool."
Daniel looked at me kinda scared because he knew which guys were my type. And he realized that he probably made a mistake because of the way I looked at Zach.

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