Chapter 7

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A couple moths after Jay went back home, she randomly received a text from Sam asking her to fly back to LA for a party. She started to second guess whether or not to go, but then thought that since Zach and the band wouldn't be there she should go. Jay texted the ok to Sam and began packing her bags. Once she had finished she bought her flight ticket for the weekend. She FaceTimed Kat to talk about the party and soon found out that the party was for sam's friend Jake. She didnt know him all that well but went anyways. She thought to herself, ' i mean i kinda need a break from this apartment so why not. Who cares if I dont even know that dude, at least I wont be involved with drama.'

—The weekend—
Jay arrived at LAX with a big smile on her face. When she saw that Sam and Kat were picking her up, she quickly ran over to hug them and get out of that airport. Once they got to Sam's huge Hawaiian themed house, Jay's jaw literally dropped at the fact that she had forgotten how beautiful this house was. They ran inside and she said hello to everyone. After a while of hanging at the house, Jay decided to go check into her hotel. Kat came along with her to help her get ready for the party tonight.
    once they arrived to the hotel room, they plopped onto the bed and laughed. Kat then pulled jay's arm and told her to go get ready. Of course Kat was already wearing her party clothes since she likes getting ready for events very early. " you know the party doesn't start for 2 hours, right Kat?" Jay said through the closed bathroom door. Kat responded, " so what... that gives us more time to get prettied up haha haha." After Jay came out wearing baggy sweats and a crop top, Kat looked at her in horrifying shock. " WhAt ArE YoU WeArInG JaY?!?!" She said with an over dramatic facial expression. jay said, " what... I dont wear fancy dresses so Imma wear this." Kat then grabbed her keys, phone, and Jay's Room key and dragged her out the hotel. She dramatically ran to her car with Jay, as she kept saying 'ok its ok i can fix this' while hyperventilating and laughing. Jay continuously asked where they were going until they arrived at Hollywood Boulevard. Kat then told her that they needed to buy Jay a dress so that she could possibly catch a manss tonight but she kept disagreeing and saying, " Kat... I'm not tryna look thirsty at a party...ok?" kat ignored what Jay was saying and pulled her into a cute dress shop. Once Kat found like 10 dresses for Jay to try on, she shoved her into the dressing room to try them on. Once they found the dress that she would be wearing tonight along with beautiful accessories , Jay bumped into an old friend and his new girlfriend.

As they headed to the checkout line, Jay looks down until a hand from behind her taps her on the shoulder

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As they headed to the checkout line, Jay looks down until a hand from behind her taps her on the shoulder. She turns around to see Jack and his girlfriend standing their with clothes in their hands. " Jay, what are you doing here? I thought you went back home?" Jack said. Jay replied saying that she was attending an event tonight where she was invited to but didnt specify that it was a party. Jack shockingly mentioned that his girlfriend and he were going too a party tonight. Jay stood there hoping that it wasn't the same party she was going to. They talked for a while about what they were doing tonight and later said their goodbyes. Jay kept telling herself not to worry since there was no way they'd be going to the same party on a Saturday night. ' I mean seriously... its LA... tons of parties are thrown on Saturday nights right so there's nothing to worry about' she told herself.
     once Kat and Jay arrived back at the Hotel room, Jay got into the bathroom to get dressed. Once she finished, Kat insisted on doing her makeup and finishing touches before they went back to Sam's house. After what felt like 13 years of Katrina doing her makeup, they had finished and left the room to go to the party. Once they got back to sam's house, they saw a bunch of people walking in and loud music playing. As they ran inside, Jay still hoped that Jack nor any of the boys come to this party. They then grabbed some drinks and kat ran off. After like 5 minutes of trying to find Kat, Jay gave up and started partying alone in the kitchen. An hour passes by and she finally finds Kat outside by the fireplace sitting on Sam's lap. She thought about what a cute couple they were and how she really wanted to feel that way again. So, she started walking around the house looking for random people to talk to when she bumps into Jonah and Daniel. " Oh sorry," she said looking down not realizing that her exes best friends were right in front of her. " Jay... what are you doing here?" Daniel said in a happy cute voice as he hugged her tightly. She told him why she was here and they seemed to be talking as if nothing ever happened. Since Jonah knew about the whole relationship thing, he didnt wanna say much to her, but whispered to her that he was sorry and she responded the same. They kept talking until Jack and Corbyn try walking into the conversation. jay quickly said she had to go do something and ran off. She hid out in the bathroom for 15 minutes complaining with herself of why the hell she decided to come here until she here's a knock on the door. She quickly fixes her makeup and hair and walks out. As she lets the next person in the bathroom, she bumps right into Zach. He was asking everyone where Daniel, Jack, Corbyn, and Jonah were until he stood frozen at the thought of Jay being right there. Jay quickly replies with I haven't seen them and runs off to the backyard. She still couldnt find Kat to tell her about what's going on, until Corey sees that she probably needs someone to talk to. He runs to her asking if she's okay and she tells him everything. After like 5 minutes of them talking, Zach asks to speak with Jay alone. Corey says, " yeah sure brother... jay its okay." She then says, " Zach Please..... i cannot be talking to you right now." " Jay seriously... you didnt think we'd be at the same party tonight. And plus you shouldn't care since you decided to break up and leave me here." jay tried saying she was sorry until Zach cut her off. " Look... i get why you went back home and you dont have to apologize but I just wanna know Jay...." They stood there in complete silence. " Why did you leave me?"

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