Chapter 8

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Jay stood there in shocking silence and dropped her head to stare at the floor. " well..." Zach said waiting for his response. She was about to tell him why she left him but Daniel disrupted their conversation. " Hey guys whatcha talking about?" Daniel said in his adorable kid voice. Jay stayed quiet and continued to look at the ground while Zach looked at her with tears in his eyes. Once Daniel noticed Zach's eyes, he carefully lifted up Jay's head and forced their eyes to meet. " Jay...did you do something to Zach?" He asked while Jay tries to walk away. Daniel repeated his question in a louder tone which stopped her from walking away.

Everyone in the backyard stared as they were shocked at the way Daniel spoke. " Jay... Did you go behind my back and date Zach" they stood in silence. Daniel waits for his answer and his eyes begin to fill with tears. He began yelling at Zach about what he's done which makes Jay yell back at Daniel. " Daniel.... I wanted to be with him. So why yell at your best friend," Jay said as her voice began to tremble. Daniel and Jay began fighting back and forth until Zach stopped them and said, " why is it a big deal to you Daniel its not like your ever there for her anyways. And even if you were you would've noticed that we were together in the first place." Daniel stared screaming at Zach with anger and sadness and told him that he was the only one there for her after every relationship she had been in ended. After Daniel exclaimed these words, everyone at the party stood silent. "What! Why are you all looking at us while we are having a meaningful conversation!" Daniel yelled out to the crowd of people.

" you know what Jay... I hope youre happy being with one of MY best friends... and what I cant believe is that I thought i could trust you with anything and everything. But I guess not. Have a nice a$s life without me. And i hope you realize how much you hurt me one day and actually learn from it. You are the last person I would expect to betray me like this. And now look at you... broken-hearted all because of Zach. I told you this was gonna happen if you got with him. But I guess my words mean absolutely nothing to you. So, my last words to you are goodbye Jay, have a nice life knowing you betrayed me." After Daniel said this, he ran out of the party and everyone except for Zach and Jay began dancing again and acted like nothing just happened. Zach then attempted to talk to Jay and calm her down. " Look Jay... its not your fault.. dont listen to Daniel. I.." Jay cut him off and screamed in his face. " No its not my fault. It's yours Zach. Why did you ask me out. I shouldnt have said yes and you made a big mistake asking our best friend's little sister out!" Jay then left the party crying and ended up taking an Uber back to the hotel. She left Zach at the party feeling guilty and miserable as she did feel herself. Once she got to the hotel room and got into her bed, she stared up at the ceiling. She cried thinking about Daniel and Zach. She kept asking herself what would've life in LA been like if she didnt date Zach.

    After about 15 minutes of thinking, she decided to try and text Daniel. She was trying to ask him if they could talk this problem out but he didnt answer his messages. So she decided to try and DM him with the same question but ended up being blocked from his account. She thought it was a glitch and tried his other accounts but she had been blocked on all of his social media. When she tried to contact the other boys, she found out that Daniel forced them to all block her. Jay sat there in tears knowing she made a big mistake. But at the same time, she knew that Zach was the one. She realized how much she actually likes him and how she cant do anything about it. " Maybe he could be the one but maybe its just not the right time?" She kept telling herself. She ended up falling asleep in her tears thinking about the love of her life and Daniel.

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