Chapter 5

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The next morning —

Jay woke up to find a good morning text from Zach. He told her that he had a band meeting but once he got back he wanted to head to the movie theater with her. She texted back " ok. Ill be at Sam and Kat's while your gone." She hurried to get dressed and ordered an Uber to take her to Sam and kat's new house. Here's what she wore...

About 15 minutes later, she arrived at Sam and Kat's Huge Amazing house

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About 15 minutes later, she arrived at Sam and Kat's Huge Amazing house. Turns out they live with Corey, Jake( not the ex), Colby, and Tara. Jay thought to herself " wow... I havent seen these people in ages." Amazed and shocked, she knocked at the door and Sam came running to the door to open it. She hung out with the group for 2 hours and eventually got a text from Zach. Corey and Colby, who were literally her favorite 'big brothers', snatched the phone from her to find a text from Zach.
Zach💕🔐: Hey I'm driving over there to pick you up now. Are you ready?
" Woah woah woah.... Jay you've only been here for like 2 months. How do you already have a boyfriend. And why are you dating Daniels BAND MATE.?!?!" Corey said in a sarcastic voice.  Jay responded telling them that they weren't official and they were gonna keep it a secret. Everyone in the room made an annoying 'oooo' at Jay as she just laughed it off and acted like it wasn't a big deal. Moments later Zach arrived and Jay said goodbye to everyone. She got into the car and they happily drove off.

At the Movie theater—

They grabbed popcorn and drinks and found their seats. The movie was about to start. It was called the Fault in Our Stars and Jay had acted as if she'd never seen this movie which she watched like a million times back home. Zach put his arm. Around here and she snuggled right up to him. He kissed her on the head and the movie began. After the movie ended they went to grab ice cream. Zach said he didnt want any but he ended up eating half of Jay's. They also went to an arcade and played a Bunch of games together until it got really late. They hadn't even realized how late it was because they weren't looking at their phones. As they rushed home, they started thinking about an excuse in case anyone was still awake and found them coming back home together. Zach then motioned how maybe he could say that Jay's Uber never picked her up from Sam and Kat's so on his way home he just picked her up. Jay agreed with the plan and said that Zach could've been coming back from the mall since he loves going there a lot. Once they arrived, Zach noticed how nervous Jay looked and grabbed her hand and told her it would be alright. She immediately smiled and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed her back and got out of the car. They walked in and thankfully everyone was asleep. Jay went up to her room quietly as Zach walked into the kitchen to grab a late night snack. " oml Zach seriously.... Oreos at 1:00 in the morning" jay said slightly laughing. Zach responded with, " Listen.... anytime is Oreo time... everybody know this." They laughed as Jay said goodnight and walked off and Zach sat in the kitchen inhaling a bunch of Oreos. As he sat by himself, he couldn't get her out of his mind. He smiled brighter and brighter every time he thought about her. As he went upstairs and passed her room not knowing that she was still awake, he whispered through the door, " I love you," and walked off. Jay heard it from the other side oof the door and smiled. She knew he had walked away so she quickly grabbed her phone and texted him saying, " I love you too." 

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