∆ the ministry of magic headquarters

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     The headquarters of the Ministry of Magic is located in the heart of London. The actual structure is all underground, although magical windows show whatever weather Magical Maintenance has chosen for the day, from bright sunshine to hurricanes.


     The visitors’ entrance to the Ministry of Magic is located in the “heart of London.”

     The entrance is an “old red telephone box” Set in front of a heavily graffitied wall, the box is missing several panes of glass.

     Inside, there is a telephone that hangs crooked against the wall; one needs only to lift the receiver, dial 6-2-4-4-2, state your name and business and then the box will sink down into the Ministry. Square silver badges with your name on them appear in the coin return and visitors are asked to register at the security desk.


     The Atrium, located on level 8, is a large hall with fireplaces up and down both long walls. Down the left-hand side of the hall are gilded fireplaces which witches and wizards can use to arrive at the Ministry. The right-hand side contains gilded fireplaces as well, and these are used for departures. The floor is polished dark wood. The ceiling is peacock blue with golden symbols moving across it. The Fountain of Magical Brethren lies halfway down the Atrium. A group of golden statues, depicting a wizard, a witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house-elf, spout water into the surrounding pool of water.

     At the end of the Atrium is a set of golden gates, next to which is a security stand. Eric Munch is usually on duty here. He registers the wands of visitors. Another smaller hall is beyond the gates and here there is a series of lifts.

     The lifts provide access to the other levels, except the tenth.


     The top floor of the Ministry of Magic’s headquarters. This level is the location of the offices of the Minister for Magic and other administrative staff.

     In disguise Harry and Hermione take the lift up to this level when they infiltrate the Ministry. Hermione has to go back down to the lower levels, but Harry uses his invisibility cloak and prowls around in search of the locket Umbridge got from Mundungus. He finally finds Umbridge's office, enters after setting of a decoy detonator, and goes over the room thoroughly. Although he does not find the locket, he learns a lot about what the Ministry is up to and he recovers Moody's magical eye.

     Arriving at Level One, the lift opens onto a corridor that extends on both sides. The corridor has thick purple carpeting and is lined with well-polished wooden office doors each displaying a small plaque proclaiming the name and position of the individual inside. In stark contrast to the bustle of lower levels, it is calm and extremely quiet.

     During Thickness's time in office, Level One seems to be mostly devoted to the persecution of Muggle-borns, and an open area outside of Dolores Umbridge's office is filled with twelve desks and used as a workplace for the assemblage of propaganda pamphlets.

     As senior undersecretary to the minister, Umbridge attaches Alastor Moody's magical eye to her shiny mahogany door. The interior of her office much resembles that she had at Hogwarts, with dried flowers and images of kittens, but now also contains filing cabinets filled with intel on enemies to the regime.

     Once, a poisonous duck from Experimental Charms on one of the lower levels made its way to Level One.


     Department of Magical Law Enforcement


• Auror Headquarters

• Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office – A small and crowded office at the end of a shabby corridor on this level.

• Wizengamot Administration Services


Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes


• Accidental Magic Reversal Squad

• Obliviator Headquarters

• Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee


     Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures


• Beast, Being, and Spirit Divisions

• Goblin Liaison Office

• Pest Advisory Board


     Department of International Magical Cooperation


• International Confederation of Wizards, British Seats

• International Magical Office of Law

• International Magical Trading Standards Body


     Department of Magical Transportation


• Apparition Test Center

• Broom Regulatory Control

• Floo Network Authority

• Portkey Office


     Department of Magical Games and Sports

     A brief glimpse of this level reveals an untidy-looking corridor, the walls of which are hung with various Quidditch posters.


• British and Irish Quidditch League Headquarters

• Official Gobstones Club

• Ludicrous Patents Office


     The Atrium


     Department of Mysteries

     A single door opposite the lift doors provides access to the Department of Mysteries.


     This level can only be reached by the stairs to the left of the door which leads to the Department of Mysteries on Level Nine.

     Courtroom Ten was first seen during Harry’s first forays into Dumbledore’s Pensieve, when he witnessed various Death Eater trials.

     Dungeon-like corridors lead to Courtroom Ten. The walls of the courtroom are dark stone. In the center of the room is a chair covered in chains that stands below rows of high benches on which the Wizengamot sit.

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