∆ werewolf registry

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     The Werewolf Registry is part of the Beast Division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. The Registry maintains the Werewolf Register.


     At around 1965, the Registry was inadequate and ill-maintained, as the council did not recognise Fenrir Greyback as a werewolf, and he managed to evade prosecution for the deaths of two Muggle children by pretending to be a Muggle tramp.

     When Lyall Lupin thought it would be prudent to keep Greyback until the next full moon to prove he is a werewolf, the other committee members were ignorant enough to belay that, furthering their improper protocols of maintaining the Registry.

     In the 2010s, a Magizoologist member of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force joined workers from the Werewolf Registry to study werewolf behaviour, in order to better prepare them in addressing the chaotic results of the Calamity. The class ends up being disastrous, with just six of those in attendance avoiding a lifetime a lycanthropy.

Known werewolves
     — Remus Lupin
     — Fenrir Greyback

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